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Permeable, easily washable, extremely durable, soft enough to be comfortable. oh i also have 3 other small dogs that are loving & playful with her. It’s not fair to expect them to be confined and possibly lay in their mess. But there will be a follow-up article in a couple of weeks addressing common problems and how to overcome them. The choice is yours. Once the crating training begins, ensure that a person himself/herself should begin practicing distance along with duration. So you need to start weaning them off the treats to avoid this. When I heard her stop with that, I came back in, took the Kong away (so she only associates the really good stuff being available when I am not in the room), and she lay down right away without a peep, and fell asleep. If they have too large an area to roam it makes it extremely hard to prevent accidents. The first night we brought him home we tried placing him in his crate at night in the bathroom upstairs. My husband and I just got a 10 week old chocolate labrador puppy. Even bigger challenge is crate training an older or senior dog. – For potty training, do you suggest immediately taking the puppy outside every time, or starting with pads? This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If it shuts on your puppy, they may panic and you do not want this. Last night I went to the living room and spoke to her in a calm voice and she fell back asleep each time. He does not, however, make it through even short periods in his crate in the basement (he and our older dog have neighboring crates) throughout the day without peeing all over it. My boyfriend and I have recently welcomed two beautiful mini schnauzer puppies into our family, one female who is 5 months old and a male who is 3 months old. Congratulations on your new puppy! Any advice? Play. I wanted to crate train her, but it may be too late now because we have been putting her in there to sleep at night. Foster and Smith Educational Staff. Make sure your dog has access to their crate most of the time so it becomes part of their environment, rather … And when you go to her in the morning to let her out, you should go to the crate and patiently wait there for silence before you give any attention or let her out. I think she learned quickly that barking would get her out (ooops!! Crate training can take days or weeks, depending on your dog's age, temperament and past experiences. Because your puppy getting scared of the crate is the worst thing that could possibly happen, the first thing you want to do is just to get your puppy used to it being there, the sight of it, perhaps even wander in and out of it of their own accord, without you doing any formal training or trying to get them inside. People Usually Get Them As Puppies Or Kittens To Train And Nurture Them Under Their Care As They Grow Up. haha), and very importantly, little mistakes are inevitable but are in fact an incredibly important part of the the learning process for your puppy. A good tip is also ‘a tired dog is a quiet dog’ While not strictly true, a ‘quieter’ dog is true. Thank you for this article! So I have a 9 week puppy and I work full time. Then think how we can get from where we are now to that lofty end goal in many small and incremental steps. I understand this is primarily for Labradors but have seen others using it as well. It’s still likely when you move them out of your bedroom they will whine and cry. thanks for your amazing hard work, time and dedication to make this article! All Right Reserved. :-). My husband and i have been following him around everywhere. Hoping to train for nights and work schedules. Potty train. It’s important they learn that you are coming only for a bathroom break and nothing else! Look at points 5, 6 and 7 in this article:, Also, as I mentioned above, train him being alone and quiet is the right thing to do. Any attention she receives will likely reinforce her behavior because you will inadvertently teach her that if she makes a noise for long enough, eventually you will come. Rule of thumb is 1 hour for each month old. Housebreaking 3 pups at once is going to take some effort for sure! I have picked him up when he is ready to go poop and placed him gently on the grass. With the dog’s we’ve owned, we never had a problem. I hope this helps and good luck with your new lady :-). We have been practicing it for about 10 days, and when I first wrote, and said I couldn’t imagine 2 or 5 or 10 minutes of her lying quietly in the crate, we’d only been doing it for a day or two and very small increments of times (5s, 10s….working up to 60s felt like forever!) She’ll usually sleep for 1 – 1.5 hours in the crate while I’m driving, and then I always stop and let her run around, potty, play, for 20 – 30 minutes before we drive some more. Thepuppy ruins the house by running around the house by messing the cleanup that a housekeeper just did a couple of minutes ago. Have your puppy lie in the crate and slowly increase the time they must stay laying down before you click and treat. Until you can ask your dog to go the crate, they do so happily and when they get there they look truly happy to get inside and relax, play with a toy, and never cry to get out even with the door closed, then crate training is something you need to spend time on. I agree and always have my puppy the first few nights in my bedroom. We have a doggie door which allows them to play and eliminate outside. They will perform only for the treat and only when they want the treat, not at any other time. How do I practice this in the car? When it’s cold/hot we bring him in the carpeted rec-room. So he was in the kitchen – we took him out and put him down for bed at 11:30PM and woke to barking/whining at 3AM so we knew after 3 hours or so he definitely had to go. At this point, I am not closing the door to his crate. We’re older and retired so in all day. I have a question for you regarding the first few nights at home. And don’t scold or punish your puppy either. You should try going a few steps back in the training above to a point where she is succeeding, then move forward again more slowly, not moving out of her comfort zone until she is ready. Not perfect in our procedure and planning to revise per readings and advice. It ticks all the right boxes. Finally, for safety reasons, before you ever allow your puppy into the crate, make sure they have nothing on. I tried it this morning for 10 minutes. One final thing: I totally agree with you that you should stop her 8 o clock nap at night. Make sure the area has nothing in it at all that can be chewed or ingested. We have never owned a dog and have no experience training one. We then took him to the vet on the third day to check him out, which was all good, and she said to put him in his crate in the laundry downstairs at night and leave him. QUICK RECOMMENDATION: Any clicker will do some are louder and some are softer however what we do recommend is getting a clicker with a wrist strap like this simple dog training clicker. Open place in my bed room or in a crate or in a box.?? With Kind Regards, because it will play havoc with your house training if he isn’t fed to a schedule. I really appreciate your article and all the detail, and the detailed replies you’ve given to the other questions. Stay in the room but busy yourself doing something else and do not turn your attention to them until they’re quiet again. I am very glad I found your website and it’s really great to see you answer with so much enthusiasm to people’ questions. Hi there. It iws more effective is you develop a routine after her meals. So now he probably thinks if he keeps going long enough someone will eventually come to him. Eat a meal and watch TV with them crated. If they start to fail at any step, go back a bit and move forward more slowly. Any tips/other articles on how to reconcile outdoor potty-ing with puppy pads would be very helpful :). Am I suppose to immediately put him back in the crate once I let him outside? and so on until back to the time when you want to get up. No barking and she just lay there and waited. So start using it now and start using it often. Thank you so much for this article. It's great when you see how happy a dog can be to get into their crate after a long day. A high value treat being cooked meats… not just kibble. So he learns he get released without whining, hopefully breaking the connection. We take him outside every 4 hrs to relieve himself. A dog can certainly hold their bladder for 7hrs overnight. If you’re happy to do so you can bet your dog will be too and it will not lead to any problems, they will prefer the night time company if given then chance. I closed the door and set the timer for 7 minutes. I’m a bit confused on this part don’t want an accident in the crate and everything else says don’t go to them when they are crying. All logic says it will go much smoother as it’s so unforced and running at your dogs own pace, therefore it will be far less stressful and almost certainly have a higher chance of success than rushing it. I was worried about her breathing and panting so much (I gave her a small drink incase she was thirsty) so i sat with her (probably wrong thing to do) and she dozed off but she never settled into sleep- kept whinging and panting and chewing at the crate. When going for a potty break, you must be absolutely silent. The puppy is keen and eager to learn, enjoying the process. Puppy pays the crate any attention such as turning their head toward it, a sideways glance, or sniffing towards the crate. I have an almost 4 yr old Saint my question is does anyone sell inserts to make the crate smaller for a pup so that I don’t have to buy a new crate. If you sleep them in your bedroom for 3 weeks or more, they will get too used to it and then moving them to another room will be much harder. She is so smart but I feel like if she has access to go to the bathroom all the time except when she’s in the night time crate (except for crying to go), she may never get housebroken. So from this point forward when you feed your puppy, sit and talk them while they eat and repeatedly close, latch and then open the door. Don’t rush it, don’t force your puppy. However, i have never had to crate train while working all day without being able to get to the dog mid day to have them out of the crate. if i don’t see her, she will seek out the wee wee pad i have down in another room for emergencies. Let me know if you need any further advice :-). I would normally feed the dog only in the crate but I’m concerned that it may add another ‘coveted item’ to her aggression. Hi there, am coming to you at the end of my tether! He poops only on ashphalt or the roads/driveways which to me is strange. Put her in the crate, close the back door of the car, do the timing thing, then open the back door of the car, click, open the crate door, and treat? And good luck, I think you’ll be more successful with it this time around by the sound of young Grizzly ;-). She’s never had regular food is the vets best guess so we have started foods but what do I use to reward her until she can eat regular treats? Typical Crate Training Crate training a typical dog or puppy with no previous experience with crates doesn't take very long, probably no longer than a few hours, if that. Once they’ve shown they’re happy being crated and have accepted it, then you can start to cue them to the crate and leave the room for short periods. Ask for 10 seconds, then 20, then 40, then go back to an easy 5 before asking for 15 again. As always, start slowly and build up the difficulty. Some people don’t mind carrying the one crate from room to room, others buy two, having one in each of the living area and the bedroom. Thank you. Last night he howled, cried and barked for 6 hours straight with probably 4 or 5 quiet times of maximum 2 minutes each time. Have them lie down in the crate, gently close the door and instantly open it again. You absolutely must just ignore the noise, no matter how heart breaking it sounds or how much sleep you are deprived of, just ignore it. Let your puppy take a Potty break upon waking up. Mix it up but with a general flow toward longer times. Crate training would help him hold it, but 9 hours would probably be too long for a 7-month old pup, and possibly any dog. Slowly, slowly, small steps at a time. I had heard having the puppy in the bedroom the first few nights would help him adjust, and we couldn’t do that last night as we didn’t have a way to keep him from roaming all over the bedroom. A new home is a scary time, don’t add the stress of day time crate training right away. This means they will not be trained and listening to your cues, they’re merely responding to bribery. Yesterday and this morning I had her lay in her crate (she knows ‘on your bed’ and will readily go into her crate and lay down when asked). Here is the issue we (me) are having. Repeat steps 13 and 14, but this time take a few steps back. After a couple of weeks, try extending your alarm time forward by 5 minutes every couple of days. or take a nap in crate. The truth is that the process can take several weeks and up to several months or longer. List those steps, and create a training plan to take us from step 1 through to the end. 2) I’ve no advice here I’m afraid. I kid her, but he doesn’t do that with me. Oh – the reason I have to open the crate door a little bit is because it’s a zipper door (nylon camper style crate). No, free time to explore and live life is important, so the idea is really to keep crating to a minimum if you can. Reading your simple step by step guide, I was able to find the exact point I was at with the puppy and build upon it. I have replaced with another link to the same information. It’d be great if she just lay there patiently for me to get her out (which would be soon after she woke up anyway). Hence, they are likely to be engaged in a lot of pushing activities like running and playing. How to Raise a Puppy if You Work a Full Time Job – It’s not Impossible! Crate training at night is incredibly helpful for your puppy's overall house training. My situation is a little different than most, as both my husband and I work from home so we have been with our puppy 24/7 since the day we got her. I’m really hoping that I can get her on a consistent schedule that goes along with my schedule. Initially, have the crate set up and fix the door so it will always stay open or remove it if you can. :-). They had the occasional hiccup, but were very receptive to the crate after decent training. Don’t rush it, don’t force your puppy. Crate for play and nap. Also, I am home all day because I just moved and have not secured a job. Also he chews on everything despite liking his nylabones. I just adopted the cutest 11 week old boxer/hound mix…he LOVES sleeping in his crate at night, and even puts himself there for naps when he’s sleepy, but does not enjoy being crated during the day. When the training is done properly, only a few weeks are needed to potty-train a puppy, according to Drs. PS. I work full time, but can come home periodically during the day to let him out and exercise/play with him, which is great! When you first start to cue your puppy to go to the crate (with ‘kennel up’) it’s best you only do so for very short periods and while you are present. The last thing you want to do is create a bad experience. Some advise it, others do not. Some people love animals love so much that they often prefer keeping them around. I know the use of the puppy pads is counter-intuitive for the housebreaking process, as you said, but there’s just no other way around this one until he’s fully crate trained – I don’t want him to be terrified of his crate, and right now, he is not a fan! The following is a few extra hints and tips you should bear in mind as you go through crate training that I couldn’t fit into the steps above but are still of high importance: Before 9 weeks of age puppies need to toilet extremely often and unpredictably – They truly have no bladder and bowel control. toilet training is slowly coming under control but we are struggling with the crate training. We moved the crate from our bedroom to the very nearby laundry room after we had him 2 weeks. So I’d advise to sleep her in the crate, she’ll soon come round to the idea. Crate training takes advantage of your dog’s natural instincts to seek out a comfortable, quiet and safe place when the environment around them becomes too loud or overwhelming. When it comes to crate training we play a lot of it by ear and wait to see our puppy’s response. And … But she can’t chew treats. Start by bringing them to their crate for 10- minute intervals while they are nice and calm. I only leave her for 2 hours at a time at most and I have also put her in the crate for short times when I am at home so she doesn’t always associate the crate with being alone. Thanks for the suggestion about the bark-on-cue…. Keep the leash VERY short so she really cannot move. My husband and I just brought home a chocolate lab puppy yesterday and he will be 9 weeks old tomorrow. Have puppy lay in the crate, close and latch the door, take a step backwards and wait a time before you click, return, open the door, treat and release. What do you think? My puppy is fed three times a day and both my husband and i work almost 9-10 hrs day. Treatment of Food Aggression in Dogs is About Finesse, Not Force – Read the whole article and also watch the second video about Ben the Golden Retriever and his food guarding to see the results of her methods. Would it be appropriate for them to be trained at the same time and place, one puppy by me and one puppy by my boyfriend? 0 Comment. She whines and barks very loudly. They too tend to be super mischievous and try to run away just like human children do. To her, going in the crate to sleep at night is entirely different to being crated during the day, entirely different again to being crated when you leave the house, and different again to using the crate as her own special den and place to go to for calm and quiet. She wakes up between 6 and 6:20 – I’d love if she would just sleep until 6:30 or 7:00, when we were ready to wake up. The thing with closing the door on him when crated at night before crate training is: They do not see this the same as being crated during the day. The crate is in the kitchen as this is where my sister in law had them in her house (as well as outdoor kennel area during day). But if they really do fail to offer the behavior, and please do be patient giving them ample time to perform, then you should try to lure them into the behavior. But we did really well on some other things. Dogs are remarkably versatile creatures and will eventually slip into and live along with whatever schedules we create for them. Am bringing hom 40days old lab puppy in couple of days. We have now got a new black Lanny who’s 11wks. Many people do this. As a general rule of thumb you want to have had your puppy be successful a good 10 times at any one step before moving on to the next one. Your pup is actually being housebroken as she seeks out the potty pad and does not go to the bathroom anywhere else. Please, DO NOT TRY to lure them entirely into the crate if they won’t even put a single paw in. It can be a real deep seated psychological thing, not just behavioral and sometimes far from easily remedied. I wish I had found it sooner!! Secondly, thank you for the positive feedback on the article! You’ve made the right decision as it’s one of the best things you can do for your puppy’s early development. 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