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Sometimes an absolute vacancy follows upon excess of such reading. Man has done, and is doing, his very utmost to set the world right, and yet the world continues wrong. Of the pleasures which spring from knowledge, and especially sacred knowledge, we cannot conceive too highly. Their sin would also become its own punishment (vers. Of themselves. This sermon was preached on July 4, 2004. He would not have done this if there had been any other way into their rebellious and obdurate hearts. Sermon Notes for Hosea 8:7 Next Section → Sermon Notes for Daniel 1:8 ← Prior Book. There is pleasure in knowledge of a kind more pure and elevated than can possibly be found in any of the gratifications of sense, and for which the latter are but unworthy substitutes. 3. But faculties and powers are of little value until they are brought into exercise and directed to their proper objects. II. )Rejecting knowledgeJeremiah Burroughs.The word used signifies to reject with despite and contempt. And if ruin come upon any land, who are the sufferers? Destructive of happiness. THEIR CONDITION. Virtue can no more exist without knowledge, than an animal can exist without life. And what must be the end of these things? 3. This is well as far as it goes; but it is not the whole truth. Knowing God as a Father, Saviour, Sanctifier, gives the soul the consciousness of pardon, life, purity, power — the power of love — that is almost irresistible. Hosea 4 Lutherbibel 2017 Gegen die Priester und den Götzendienst Israels 1 Höret, ihr Israeliten, des HERRN Wort! They may confess His Godhead, and acknowledge Him as a Saviour. (Jeremiah Burroughs. Super Heroes, Victims and Monsters 5 . View Sermon. Where there is the true knowledge of God, there is no real wretchedness, though there may be much tribulation. J. Gordon, D. D.)I will also forget thy childrenGetting at parents through their childrenJoseph Parker, D. D.The Lord must in some way find our life that He may either reward or chastise it. It is indeed based upon a false principle, that the inculcation of moral truths, and cultivation of moral habits will suffice to regulate and control the heart and will of man. We must leave Him to explain Himself in reference to the children; He will do that which is right and merciful; we need not plague ourselves about that aspect of mystery; rather let us fasten attention upon the fact that God means for our good to get at our souls somehow. Nor is the pursuit of happiness, or the acquisition of wealth. II. 2. Knowledge is rejected in two ways.1. To the improvement of the mind all nations have owed the improvement of their condition. We cannot shut our eyes to what is going on around us. Then everywhere the people that do know God shall do exploits."(H. God has bound all classes in one common bond of interest: all must rejoice, or all must suffer together. II. These sermons were preached on the book of Hosea at Christ Church Manchester’s churches in Manchester.CCM meets every Sunday at various locations around the city.. Ignorance of God. 2. 6). One reason why many of us do not know mere is that we have made knowledge a means instead of an end — a means of getting distinction. 1. Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." We view these verses as closely connected with the last verse of the preceding chapter. And it may be employed as a study of life. A thoughtless neglect of those sober reflections to which we are led even by that measure of natural light, which, in the midst of all our depravity, is mercifully continued to us. The growth of ignorance among the poorer sort is a matter of peculiar consequence. 10, 11). Reflecting minds have serious thoughts upon the present aspect of our domestic national affairs. Our fathers did much for national education, according to the exigencies of their own times. Knowledge must be fetched by exertions of our own. Luther 1984: Mein Volk ist dahin, weil es ohne Erkenntnis ist. 2. Science is not atheistic. The lack of heat and moisture will kill the vegetable kingdom; the lack of air will cause the extinction of all animal life. God's word will stand the test ( Prov. 14:13), By William Sexton From Expository Files 9-4; April 2002. Our Heavenly Relationship Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 22, 2012 | 2,011 views. It teaches moral duties based upon the knowledge of God as a reconciled Father in Christ Jesus. In this case He will get at the parents through their children. It is the knowledge as of a friend. If the guilt of God's people who remain in ignorance of Him be aggravated by their relation to Him, so likewise is the guilt of those aggravated who are bound to teach God's people. Bailey. 1. Du vergißt das Gesetz deines Gottes; darum will auch ich deine Kinder vergessen. When one doubts that, then he/she is open to all kinds of gestures, appeals, etc., to look away and trust in other sources. II. How does it destroy? "Beware of lust; it doth pollute and foulWhom God in baptism washed with his own blood:It blots thy lesson written in thy soul;The holy lines cannot be understood.How dare those eyes upon a Bible look,Much less towards God, whose lust is all their book! Man's way is for eternity, and there is but one way that leads to an eternity of happiness, and that lies in the midst of a hundred crossways and bypaths. 1. "Beware of lust; it doth pollute and foul, Getting At Parents Through Their Children, Ignorance of God Among Professing Christians, Lack of Knowledge the Destruction of a People, The Necessity of a Union Between Religion and Education, Lack of knowledge the destruction of a people, Ignorance of God among professing Christians, The necessity of a union between religion and education, Getting at parents through their children. 10th May) View Sermon… If there is a knowledge on which not only the improvements and the refinements but the very being of society depends, the state of this must be in its nature most deeply awful and interesting. They employ violence, so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. Answer: Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” What was it that Israel did not know, and why was that lack of knowledge so dangerous? James 1:25 "But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed." "Oh, for a knowledge and baptism of power from God. They consequently failed to teach the Law to the people (ver. II. God gave us light at first, we have brought ignorance upon ourselves. 4:6) Listen, consider honestly, but as to the truth and reliability of the message, STAND FIRM continuously! A population has grown up unlearned in true knowledge. Email. Cross references: Hosea 4:6: [ver. (JOB-study … We must leave Him to explain Himself in reference to the children; He will do that which is right and merciful; we need not plague ourselves about that aspect of mystery; rather let us fasten attention upon the fact that God means for our good to get at our souls somehow. A Basic Need: Trust in and Knowledge of The Bible, There is a basic need, today, in our land and among God's people as there were in the long ago, and shall ever be .. until the Lord comes again. Knowledge is power to the inventor, civil engineer, teacher and lawyer. But the knowledge of God is the greatest power. (Ver. As may be seen in the history of those nations which have wanted this glorious advantage. None oppose the communication of knowledge to the lower ranks of society save those who are altogether unreasonable. W. Bailey.The lack of this knowledge causes people to perish. IT IS GOD-OFFENDING. Many things are palliatives, but you can find nothing that pretends to do all the work that man requires to have done for him but the Gospel. In the Scandalous Grace series we will unpack the fascinating and vivid book of Hosea. He/she who denies the adequacy of the message is going against the above passage. I. Hosea Series Outlines 1 Thank youfor downloading this eBook of outlines. C.J. 3. But the knowledge of God is the greatest power. 3. J. Gordon, D. D.Among the Scotch lairds, there is one whose father died in a poorhouse, like a beggar, notwithstanding his possession of the very same riches his heir at present has at his disposal; but he simply did not know how rich he was. Hosea 13:10 Theocracy. This is, for us, the knowledge that is conveyed by the Gospel. Deuteronomy 17:16. 11 contains the solemn statement of a great moral truth respecting all sin, and which is specially applicable to sins of sensuality. 2. THE SAD OCCASIONS OF THE WANT OF THIS KNOWLEDGE, ESPECIALLY IN WHAT IS CALLED A LAND OF LIGHT. When the means of knowledge are rejected, then knowledge is rejected.2. Hosea 6:1-10 Hosea 6:1-2 "Another Prodigal Son" I The Other Prodigal A We all know the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Hosea 4-6English Standard Version (ESV) The Lord Accuses Israel 4 Hear the word of the Lord, O children of Israel, for the Lord has a controversy with the inhabitants of the land. We ought to rejoice in our civil constitution, and to encourage and defend our religious advantages. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. 1. But the knowledge, the lack of which destroys, is the knowledge not of things but of per-sons. Knowledge is power to the inventor, civil engineer, teacher and lawyer. The great neglect of family religion, and the pious example which superiors by the laws of reason are indispensably obliged to set before those under their care, as it has long been complained of, if not soon reformed must bring peril on our Churches and on our land. SOME OF THE ENDEAVOURS MEN MAKE TO RECTIFY EXISTING EVILS. The soul that is ignorant no angel in heaven can help, except as an instrument of God to bring sight into his eyes. His father possessed no less, but he knew it not. J. Gordon, D. D.)I will also forget thy childrenGetting at parents through their childrenJoseph Parker, D. D.The Lord must in some way find our life that He may either reward or chastise it. THE INVITATION TO CONTRITION. Observation teaches us what effect negligence will have on our temporal affairs. 4. How can the lack of a thing destroy? The priests and their sons would be deprived of their office, and the people would lose their high prerogative of being a priestly nation (ver. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." THE DESTRUCTION WHICH IS THE NATURAL AND SAD CONSEQUENCE OF THIS IGNORANCE. There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing and adultery. He/she who declares that the word is impracticable, denies the above passage. 5. THE GOSPEL ANNOUNCES ITSELF AS SUFFICIENT TO MEET AND TO REMOVE ALL THE MISERIES OF HUMANITY. An ignorance of themselves. We must follow along their line in this, that religion entered, as a component element, into all their foundations. As He is to us. Education is training as well as teaching. Simeon, M. It is said to prevent any bar being put to what is called "free thinking." I don't understand what this scripture means? Ignorance of Christ. The more familiar occasion of converse men have with holy things, wanting holiness, their contempt and dislike of them will be the greater, and their opposition to light have the more perversity and the less infirmity in it. Yet, NOT to think too highly of man (1 Cor. Of their blindness, guilt, depravity, helplessness. 3. Did you know there is also a prodigal son in the Old Testament. W. IV. We should cheerfully and constantly attend on those advantages Heaven has bestowed on us, that we read and hear, that we inquire and meditate, and watch and pray, as those who are convinced that ignorance has been their ruin, and that happiness in this life is absolutely connected with religious knowledge, and that the lives of our souls depend upon it. There is a class of men whose ideas of knowledge and education are almost confined to the acquisition and communication of the facts and principles of physical and general science. 1. 1. Will issue in their destruction.Infer —. As He is in Himself. Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission! 6). Can it be wondered at that irreligion and infidelity, and principles of anarchy and insubordination, and vice in some of its most revolting forms have overspread these densely peopled districts? 1. III. Philosophy takes a higher range of thought. If you would like more resources including full text messages, preaching tips, and small church how-to's be sure to visit and sign up for our email news letter. W. Bailey.The lack of this knowledge causes people to perish. Impurity in one's religion is often joined with uncleanness of body. Then whenever a problem arises, whatever it is, search the scriptures for all pertinent passages, when you gather them and get them in context, be honest in interpreting them and when you have the facts settled in your mind, STAND on them from now to eternity. That is the point upon which we are to fix our devout attention. THE TITLE GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE EXPOSED TO THIS DESTRUCTION. Since you have forgotten the law of … The question is analogous to another, What is education? THE WONDERS OF REDEEMING LOVE. Alas, for how many the blessed Word of God is worth no more than waste paper! 6). (Ps 81,9; Jer 4,22; Jer 9,7; Hos 5,1; Hos 5,4; Hos 12,3). The effect of light reading upon the acquisition of knowledge truly so called. Then everywhere the people that do know God shall do exploits."(H. When men come to divide precious time principally between the cares about the enlargement of their worldly substance, and the various methods their own corruptions will dictate, very little will be left for nobler improvements. und 1. We may with confidence say that the Gospel not only professes to do this but has done all this. The knowledge of God comes to him whether he will or not. God caused His prophet Hosea to write long ago concerned His people Israel: "MY people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will forget thy children." Oye Jide-Samuel 437 0. Happiness must be sought in a knowledge of, and obedience to, the will and ways of God. Those of you who were present, this … Civil government stands upon religious grounds, and has religious obligations. God says to the spiritually young: desire milk and submit to your elders who feed it to you.God says to the spiritually mature: Feed the milk of His words, as a mother, to His lambs. Minds wholly uncultivated are averse to serious thought., and are only conversant with sensible objects. THE CAUSE OF THAT CONDITION. His father possessed no less, but he knew it not. God claims that His word is complete, accurate, and those who abide therein are safe while others are Not SAFE! Sacred places had become polluted. As true religion is the only effectual security of private persons from this ruin, so it is with respect to society. Ignorance of religion must needs prevail where there is the want of a skilful, faithful, and laborious ministry. Intro: I would just remind us today that the Bible is a book filled with invitations.The first one is found in Gen. 7:1.In that verse God invites Noah and his family to come into the Ark for salvation from the flood. 2. It enables all, even the weakest, to do great things. )Ignorance impoverishesA. J. Gordon, D. D.Among the Scotch lairds, there is one whose father died in a poorhouse, like a beggar, notwithstanding his possession of the very same riches his heir at present has at his disposal; but he simply did not know how rich he was. In the days of our fathers, any one who could read at all would scarcely fail to read with a view to knowledge. THE FATAL CONSEQUENCES OF THIS IGNORANCE. THE IMPORTANCE AND ADVANTAGES OF A UNION BETWEEN RELIGION AND EDUCATION. The growth of the soul in power, beauty, and fruitfulness. It is the knowledge which God has been pleased to reveal, which is chiefly intended here. Name. A. So we metaphysically fritter away God's meaning; we endeavour to solve the insoluble, when we might be accepting with grace and gratitude the inevitable, the disciplinary, and the high administration of Divine righteousness. II. II. "(George Herbert.) Sermon preached at Faith Protestant Reformed Church by Rev. I hope it is a help and blessing to you in your ministry or personal study. II. Unfaithfulness in offices will cast men out of the Church, as unsavoury salt is cast out, which is a sad judgment. Beloved, I challenge you to search your heart daily to see if you really trust in the accuracy of God's word. Shortly after his decease, rich metallic ore was discovered on the estate; the mines, which were worked at once, gave such returns, that very soon all mortgages and debts could be paid off, and, moreover, put the present owner in possession of a nobleman's fortune. 3. 3. WHAT IS THE KNOWLEDGE, THE LACK OF WHICH DESTROYS A PEOPLE? Notwithstanding all God's favour towards them, yet He abandoned them to desolation, He gave them over to destruction. The calf-worship brought them many sacrificial fees; so the priests, instead of rebuking the iniquity, "set their heart" upon its continuance. Of virtue.Christianity exhibits a Founder who went about doing good; and His disciples in every age have devoted their time, their talents, their property, their influence to the instruction and blessing of mankind. Your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. That ignorance is destructive of virtue is proved by facts as well as arguments. They do not know the nature of man. If he have not light, if he want knowledge, what is to become of him? (4:6) The only safeguard against being led aside by the evil one and his army of deceivers is to, first have a complete trust in God's word, that it is accurate, complete, understandable, and practicable; secondly, to have knowledge of that message in one's mind. Today's Devotionals. The name “ Hosea ” means, “ … )Ignorance impoverishesA. They know little of their blindness, guilt, depravity, helplessness. When the corruption became general, and the fruit, of this religious ignorance were ripe, God thrust in the sharp sickle of His judgments, and reaped the harvest in His wrath. (Joseph Parker, D. D.)LinksHosea 4:6 NIVHosea 4:6 NLTHosea 4:6 ESVHosea 4:6 NASBHosea 4:6 KJVHosea 4:6 Bible AppsHosea 4:6 ParallelHosea 4:6 Biblia ParalelaHosea 4:6 Chinese BibleHosea 4:6 French BibleHosea 4:6 German BibleHosea 4:6 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)How earnestly should we pray for the teachings of God's Spirit! 1. 6. TO COUNTERACT THE DESTRUCTIVE EFFECTS OF IGNORANCE IS THE WORK OF HUMANITY. 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