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Settings should consider how to ensure communications are accessible to specific groups of parents and carers (such as those with English as an additional language) and parents and carers of vulnerable children, to encourage attendance of these groups. If anyone in the setting becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia) they: Other members of their household (including any siblings) should isolate. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve government services. Blackpool Council make payments to early years providers monthly in arrears. This guidance relates to organised group activity, not to spontaneous singing, dance and role-play that young children may naturally do, and should be encouraged to do, by early years practitioners. The Association of British Insurers (ABI) and its members have agreed a set of principles for handling business interruption claims to support and provide clarity to customers. All eligible parents are encouraged to continue to apply for, and reconfirm, their 30 hours and Tax-Free Childcare entitlement. People who live with those who have comparatively increased risk from coronavirus (COVID-19) can attend the workplace. Submit evidence to Treasury review of business rates ; Alliance consultancy services ... chief executive of the Alliance, commented: “Early years providers have received yet another slap in the face from government, having once again been excluded from funding offered to the rest of the education sector, and to so much of the wider economy. The Secretary of State for Education announced the suspension of routine Ofsted inspections on 17 March 2020. For more detail, see EYFS coronavirus disapplications. We have published summaries of attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The advice service (or PHE local health protection team (if escalated) will work with settings to guide them through the actions they need to take. We strongly encourage those shared spaces to reflect any business rates saving in their rent charges, for the self-employed (including childminders), the minimum income floor will also be temporarily relaxed, meaning Universal Credit can be accessed at a rate to match statutory sick pay (SSP), VAT payments due with VAT returns between now and the end June 2020 were deferred - UK VAT registered businesses will not need to make those payments until March 2021, working tax credit has been increased by £1,000 a year, the government also announced a £20 per week increase to the Universal Credit standard allowance and Working Tax Credit basic element, and an increase in the Local Housing Allowance rates for Universal Credit and Housing Benefit claimants so that it covers the cheapest third of local rents, some early years settings may be eligible for the Local Authority Discretionary Grants Fund, details and eligibility criteria for this can be found in the guidance on, providing reasonable guidance to help a policyholder make a claim, settling claims promptly once settlement terms are agreed, first make a formal complaint to their insurer. If possible, use microphones to reduce the need for shouting or prolonged periods of loud speaking or singing. Updated to address changes for the exit from National Restrictions on 2 December. You can contact the dedicated advice service introduced by PHE and delivered by the NHS Business Services Authority. Settings also have the discretion to require face coverings for candidates where social distancing cannot be safely managed. It is important for group participants to maintain: Registered settings have the discretion to recommend the use of face coverings for adults in Ofsted registered sites, both staff and visitors (see the system of controls section for more information). Parents falling out of eligibility and due to reconfirm between 31 October and 31 December 2020 may be entitled to a grace period lasting until 31 March 2021. The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will be extended until the end of April 2021 (up to 80% of current salary for hours not worked, up to a maximum of £2,500). The 2019 Survey of Childcare and Early Years Providers was a mixed mode survey, that could be completed either online or on the telephone. It will be necessary to consider how vulnerable children, who are currently attending the setting, continue to have their needs met and to be supported as the setting takes on more children. Settings do not need to ask staff to keep records in a way that is overly burdensome. Contents page . for Early Years Providers In response to COVID-19 . where needed, manage the wider market flexibly to ensure that there is sufficient childcare provision, continuing to prioritise places for vulnerable children and children of critical workers, followed by 3- and 4- year olds, and then younger age groups - this may include: moving children between providers where one provider has closed, and another has empty dedicated schools grant (, operating through clusters and hubs to maintain educational provision, or, if necessary, ensure that all staff understand the system of controls and how they are applied in the setting. From this month, we will start to make visits to some early years providers who were judged to require improvement or be inadequate at their last inspection. Early years settings should work together with local authorities to agree the provision needed locally to support the needs identified. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Early years providers must have arrangements in place to support children with SEN or disabilities. To minimise the numbers of temporary staff entering the setting and secure best value, settings may wish to use longer assignments with supply staff and agree a minimum number of hours across the year. If someone with symptoms tests negative for coronavirus (COVID-19) they should stay at home until they have recovered as usual from their illness. Pregnant women of any gestation should not be required to continue working if this is not supported by the risk assessment. Kitchens must comply with the guidance for food businesses on coronavirus (COVID-19). Further information on grace periods for the 30 hours free entitlement can be found in the statutory guidance. Singers and players should be 2 metres apart to limit both droplet and aerosol risks. Essential workers, which includes anyone involved in education or childcare, have priority access to testing. If a teacher is operating on a peripatetic basis, and operating across multiple groups or individuals, it is important that they do not attend a lesson if they are unwell or are having any symptoms associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) such as a high temperature, a new, persistent cough, or a loss of, or change in, their sense of taste or smell (anosmia). 5 June 2020. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and COVID-19. Some children with complex needs will struggle to maintain as good respiratory hygiene as their peers, for example, those who spit uncontrollably or use saliva as a sensory stimulant. Therefore, new regulations, which came into force on 26 September 2020, allow the temporary changes to be re-applied if coronavirus (COVID-19) related local or national restrictions are imposed by government and the provider has deemed these restrictions to mean they are unable to deliver the EYFS as required. For general advice on insurance matters (but not on specific policies) including those related to coronavirus (COVID-19), the ABI can be contacted by phone on 0207 600 3333 or email at People who live with those who are clinically extremely vulnerable or clinically vulnerable can attend the workplace. We will continue to fund childcare, at the level we would have done before coronavirus, until the end of the 2020 calendar year. Where a setting has closed, and a vulnerable child moves to a different early years setting: While providers must continue to have appropriate regard to data protection and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this does not prevent the sharing of information for the purposes of keeping children safe. This looked at different factors including age and sex, where people live, deprivation, ethnicity, people’s occupation and care home residence. We need sight of the evidence that led government to decide it was low-risk to keep early years open but close schools. The standards that early years and childcare providers, and schools must meet for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five. Ensure children, staff and other adults do not come into settings if they have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms for at least 10 full days from: Anyone developing those symptoms during the day is to be sent home. We will update this guidance as further information becomes available. August 2020 (PDF 112.48KB) Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings. Providers should contact their local authority to understand what support is available and agencies and providers should work together to actively look for signs of harms as appropriate. Visits that allow a vulnerable child to meet a social worker, key worker or other necessary support should continue on site. This may mean teachers interacting with children from multiple groups, so settings will need to take particular care, in line with the measures set out above on peripatetic teachers. If possible, do not share microphones. This is because they could still develop coronavirus (COVID-19) within the remaining days, if the test result is positive, they should inform their setting immediately, and isolate for at least 10 days after their symptoms started (which could mean the self-isolation ends after the original 10-day isolation period). Contact your local health protection team if: Your local health protection team will advise you on the next steps. This guidance has been developed with advice from Public Health England (PHE). Until the end of the 2020 calendar year, local authorities should fund providers, which have been open, at broadly the levels they would have expected to see in the 2020 autumn term had there been no coronavirus (COVID-19). We have asked Ofsted to monitor which providers on the early years register are open or closed. Actions to take when someone has tested positive. Others will not be experiencing any challenges. The reality is that under these circumstances, every opportunity to remove social mixing and work mixing of human beings is vitally important. This publication is available at MindEd have also developed a coronavirus (COVID-19) staff resilience hub with advice and tips for frontline staff. Updated Early Years Foundation Stage reforms (7.6) and Reception Baseline Assessment (7.7). Amended information on local COVID alert levels and tiers of restriction (section 3), staff who are clinically extremely vulnerable (section 3), and children who are shielding (section 4). Groups should check for any additional relevant guidance for their?local restriction tier. Where face-to-face meetings are arranged, settings should make clear to candidates that they must adhere to the system of controls that is in place. Journeys may also include those to indoor or outdoor environments, for example, to a park or to an indoor soft play area. Further information about funding for providers can be found in the guidance on the use of free early education entitlements funding during coronavirus. Settings in tier 3 and 4 should not host performances with an audience. Nurseries and other early years providers will remain open during the current lockdown, please check with your provider for further details. All providers of wraparound childcare, and other out-of-school settings, are able to operate for both indoor and outdoor provision, provided they have safety measures in place. Use of public transport should be minimised. If an application has been made but the DBS disclosure has not arrived new staff and volunteers can still care for children provided they are supervised by someone who has a DBS check. Introduction 1. Robust systems and structures need to be in place to promote the active engagement of mothers and fathers in their children’s learning and development. While in settings they should follow the sector-specific measures in this guidance to minimise the risks of transmission. They also need to recognise the importance of the home learning environment they provide for their children. Formerly known as Kindergarten Cluster Management (KCM), EYM will continue to strengthen the management and delivery of community-based kindergarten programs. Guidance on visits from music, dance and drama peripatetic teachers can be found in the music, dance and drama section. If a parent’s circumstances change again whilst in a grace period and they become eligible, they can reconfirm through the Childcare Service and the 30 hours free entitlement would continue without a break for their child. If they are shared, follow the guidance on handling equipment. Peripatetic teachers can move between early years settings, however, settings should consider how to minimise the number of visitors that attend where possible. Other members of their household should all self-isolate for a full 10 days from the day after the individual tested positive. The Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families, Vicky Ford MP, wrote to Ofsted’s Chief Inspector about supporting childminder agencies to retain their registration where the minimum number of quality assurance visits required has not been met as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Ministers are telling everyone to stay at home, yet early years providers are being told to stay open for as many children as possible or lose funding. This should be considered in risk assessments in order to support these children and the staff working with them. Settings in other local restriction tiers, planning an indoor or outdoor performance in front of an audience, should follow the latest advice in the DCMS performing arts guidance, implementing events in the lowest risk order as described. You will be put through to a team of advisers who will inform you what action is needed based on the latest public health advice. When asked if he could explain why early years providers were being asked to remain open to all children, Semple said: "No I can’t. This response confirms what changes will be made to the EYFS. Guidance on parents and carers coming into the setting for organised performances can be found in music, dance and drama. All settings must follow this process and ensure all staff are aware of it. Early Years Pupil Premium 24 Eligibility 24 Identifying eligible children 25 Eligibility checking 25 Distributing EYPP to early years providers 28 Monitoring and compliance 28 Further information 29. For example, eligible families can get help with up to 85% of their childcare costs through Universal Credit, subject to a monthly limit of £646 for one child or £1108 for 2 or more children. To support this, settings may wish to access the free resource MindEd learning platform for professionals, which contains materials on peer support, stress, fear and trauma, and bereavement. Settings should consider how to manage other visitors to the site, such as contractors, and ensure site guidance on social distancing and hygiene is explained to visitors on or before arrival. Early Years Management (EYM) organisations have expertise in the delivery of high quality early childhood education and care services. When recruiting, settings must continue to adhere to the legal requirements regarding pre-appointment checks. Where there is a legal requirement, we have made that clear. Distributing DAF to early years providers 23 Timing of payments 23. The childminder should also take the necessary action for responding to and reporting confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the setting, as set out in system of controls. 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