Visualize results quickly using real-time 2D orthomosaics or create accurate, high-resolution maps in post-processing. 1. Automatic Flight Planning and Data Capture DJI Terra helps commercial drone pilots quickly plan automated flights with several easy-to-use options based on the area or objects they’d like to capture and the type of map or 3D model they’d like to create. *The Basic Version contains features designed for applications in agriculture/mapping orchards 可用内存不足,目前空三没有分块,处理效率大约是300-400张/G ,检查导入的图片数量除以300 是否大于当前可用内存;, 二维重建成果:大疆智图界面中显示的地图瓦片、正射影像和数字表面模型(默认采用行业通用的基于 UTM 投影的 GeoTiff 格式)。, 精灵Phantom 4 RTK 采集的影像,大疆智图二维建图水平绝对精度约为一到两倍 GSD,与相关的数据处理软件精度相当。以飞行高度 100 米为例,二维建图水平精度约为 2-5 厘米,三维重建的刺点精度约为 4 厘米。, 大疆智图的重建精度与相机畸变、影像质量、飞行高度、航向及旁向重叠率设置、GPS(RTK)定位精度及所拍摄场景纹理等因素相关。, 可以通过点击任务列表中每个任务下的“更多”按钮,选择“打开任务文件夹”打开二维建图成果或三维模型文件存放的任务文件夹,也可以采用“Ctrl + Alt + F”快捷键快速定位到任务文件夹。二维建图成果位于任务文件夹下的“map”目录,三维模型文件位于任务文件夹下的“models”目录。, 考虑到电脑的 CPU、内存、显存资源有限,目前仅支持同时开启多个重建任务,按开启顺序依次进行处理。, 为了缩短重建时间,大疆智图充分地使用电脑资源(CPU、内存、显存),所以会使得电脑相对卡顿,重建完成后则恢复正常。在大疆智图运行时尽量不要运行其他大型程序,尤其是占用显卡资源的程序,否则可能因资源不足导致重建失败。, 智图导入的.prj文件遵循ESRI定义的格式,以WKT字符串描述投影或坐标框架的信息。, 重建成果无法转到指定输出坐标系时,软件会弹出错误提示。输出坐标系设置与影像是否有 GPS 信息和像控点坐标系有关。推荐设置参考如下:, 在影像上能够清楚地辨别出来,且具有明显特征和地理坐标的地面标识点。可以通过GPS测量、RTK测量、全站仪测量等测量技术,获取像控点的地理坐标。, 提高空三的精度和鲁棒性、检查空三的精度、绝对定向(将空三结果转换到指定的像控点坐标系下)。, 像控点数据格式仅支持(像控点名称 纬度/X 经度/Y 高度/Z 水平精度 高程精度)的顺序,精度数据可选,第一行即为坐标数值,各列以单个空格或 table 分隔。投影坐标系下,X 表示东方向,Y 表示北方向。, 像控点精度意味着其参与空三优化的约束强弱程度:精度设置越小,约束越强。为保证空三优化结果的准确性,建议将精度设置为与测量精度相匹配的数值。, 对同一个像控点刺两次及以上后,软件会自动计算出该点的三维坐标,并由该坐标计算出该点在多张影像上的投影位置。投影位置与刺点位置的差异即为重投影误差。多个重投影误差的平均即为软件界面显示的重投影误差。, 在影像和像控点所在坐标系可转的前提下,比如影像和像控点都在相同的地理坐标系和高程基准(大地高),, 优化需要在完成空三的基础上进行。未做空三前,如果控制点刺点结束后直接做空三,软件会将控制点纳入解算,进而约束空三结算。, 确保所导入的影像包含正确的位姿信息,根据测区所在位置选择合适的像控点坐标系,且与像控点坐标数据相符合。, 空三优化主要受以下因素影响:刺点误差、测量坐标误差、控制点的测区分布及数量等。建议在一个测区内至少使用 4 个像控点,且分布均匀。单个像控点刺点影像不少于 4 张,影像位置尽可能分散,且刺点点位避开影像边缘。, (1) 坐标系不对应:请确保像控点坐标和所选像控点坐标系对应、影像导入的 POS 数据与所选 POS 数据坐标系对应。, POS 坐标系统设置需要与 POS 数据相对应。如果 POS 数据仍存在高程偏移,需要在高程偏移内输入对应的偏移值,POS导入设置结束后,可以点击预览查看加了偏移后的高程值。, (1)设置为Terra默认精度:如果影像具有 RTK 信息且为固定解,大疆智图可以自动识别,并自动将精度设置为:水平精度 0.03 m、高程精度 0.06m 。若影象没有 RTK 信息或没有固定解,大疆智图会自动将精度设置为水平精度 2 m、垂直精度 10 m。, 一般情况下,推荐开启影像 POS 约束;如果影像 POS 数据和像控点不在同一个高程系下,则需要关闭影像 POS 约束。, (1)如需在免像控的情况下,得到指定高程系和坐标系下的成果(如地方坐标系、85高等非内置高程列表的高程系)时,需导入 POS 数据。, 可以,默认缓存目录为:“C:\Users\***(电脑用户名)\Documents\DJI\DJI Terra”。可在 设置中, 可以。大疆智图生成的 .obj 模型可导入Maya、Blender、SketchUp、3ds Max等第三方软件,具体操作请查阅相关软件的对应教程。, 可以。大疆智图生成的 .b3dm、.osgb、.ply、.obj 等模型格式均是通用格式,可以架设到个人网站上。相关教程请查阅对应格式的部署方式。, 理论上支持,但建模效果不一定能达到采用大疆无人机拍摄的效果。若照片有 GPS 或 RTK 信息,重建效果更佳。实时二维重建功能暂不支持其他无人机。, 1. Our Ronin camera stabilizers and Inspire drones are professional cinematography tools. Phantom 4 Pro + V2.0 4. Support for this series seems to be a top priority, despite persistent rumors that DJI had discontinued the Phantom 4 line. Late last year during the Airworks 2018 event, DJI said that DJI Terra would become available during Q1 of 2019.And here we are, right at the end of the first quarter with the official announcement of DJI Terra. DJI is the world's leading producer of camera drones and stabilizers. Free shipping on … Following an update, Terra also supports radiometric correction on the P4 Multispectral. How Drones Help Create Models of Heritage Sites. Faster, more accurate drone data processing with DJI Terra Whether it is to perform detailed inspections on complex assets or monitor the work at a construction site, drones are increasingly being adopted by various industries to capture high-resolution data in a safe, quick, and inexpensive manner. Phantom 4 RTK The compatibility list seems very limited for now, especially considering that it does not include enterprise drones such as the Inspire or Matrice lines. 大疆智图是一款提供自主航线规划、飞行航拍、二维正射影像与三维模型重建的 PC 应用软件。一站式解决方案帮助行业用户全面提升航测内外业效率,将真实场景转化为数字资产。, 本网站直接或间接向消费者推销商品或者服务的商业宣传均属于“广告”(包装及参数、售后保障等商品信息除外), 大疆智图基础版提供 1 个月(30 天)、3 个月(90 天)、6 个月(180 天)、1 年(365 天)有效期的许可证;, 要求使用 Windows 7 及以上系统(64位),同时计算机还需满足一定的硬件配置要求。, 精灵 Phantom 4 RTK(带屏遥控器)、精灵 Phantom 4 Pro V2.0、精灵 Phantom 4 Pro + V2.0、精灵 Phantom 4 Pro、精灵 Phantom 4 Advanced 及 精灵 Phantom 4。其中精灵 Phantom 4 不支持实时二维建图。, 在线版:在有网络的情况下登陆账号并绑定电脑,3天内无需重新联网登陆也可使用大疆智图付费功能。, (1)未安装驱动,遥控器用 Micro USB 线连接大疆智图,在设备管理器页面查看串口连接,如出现黄色感叹号,则为未安装驱动,右键安装驱动即可(详情可参考《大疆智图首次使用前准备》)。, 大疆智图基础版(不包含农机赠送许可证)、专业版、测绘版、电力版支持设备解绑,您可以联系官方售后申请大疆智图解绑服务。, 购买任意永久版套餐,自第一次设备绑定之日起,一年内可免费更新至期间发布的任意软件版本及使用该套餐包含的功能, 升级至电力版后,从绑定电力版之日起重新计算一年的免费迭代有效期,原专业版许可证的可迭代有效期不会同步至电力版(其他跨版本升级同理)。, 用户如下载更新至付费迭代期发布的版本,可以使用专业版的功能,但不可以使用电力版的功能。, 由于离线版本不需要登录DJI账号,故限飞解禁功能无法使用且连接飞行器时部分功能会受限。, 大疆智图的倾斜摄影采用五条航线代替单架飞机搭载五相机设计,五条航线设计分别对应下视、前视、后视、左视和右视五个相机朝向,逐条航线进行航摄,实现搭载五个相机的拍摄效果。, 在摄影测量与遥感中,影像地面分辨率(GSD)是指数字影像的单个像素大小所对应的实际地面的距离,单位:厘米/像素。, “高级设置”中的“任务相对高度”是指起飞点相对于目标测区的高度;而“任务高度”是指飞行高度,即飞行器相对于目标测区的飞行高度,GSD 按“任务高度”值进行计算。, 当起飞点与目标测区地面具有较大的高差时,可调整“高级设置”中的“任务相对高度”,以保证“任务高度”是相对于测区的高度。, 可能是飞行器位于信号干扰比较严重或者遮挡严重的区域作业,导致 RTK 信号较差。建议关闭 RTK 模块,以 GNSS 定位的方式手动起飞,待飞到一定高度干扰减弱后,开启 RTK模块,再由大疆智图上传任务并控制飞行。, 精灵 Phantom 4 RTK(带屏遥控器)、精灵 Phantom 4 Pro V2.0、精灵 Phantom 4 Pro + V2.0,实时三维点云质量受 RTK 信号影响。, 支持,导入时先设置坐标系,若点云文件为任意坐标系,需先使用第三方点云纠偏软件进行纠偏。, 标定航线可以使用五向摆拍的方式采集,也可以使用传统倾斜五航线的方式采集,为获取较为可靠的标定成果,建议采集的影像数量不低于500张,采集重叠率航向不低于80%,旁向不低于70%,其中倾斜影像占比不少于2/3,标定场景最好是有较大高程差的区域,RTK为非必需的,但有RTK的情形结合检查点布设可以检查标定成果质量。, 若标定航线采集有RTK定位数据,可在测区布设检查点验证基于标定航线重建的成果的检查点精度,若精度满足所需的工程精度则标定达到标准;若标定航线采集没有RTK定位数据,无法量化的评估标定成果是否达到标准,可通过相机标定后使用带有倾斜拍摄的数据重建时根据重建质量报告中相机参数焦距f,及像主点cx,cy初始值和优化值是否有显著差异确定,若优化前后差异不大可以认为标定是有效的。, 标定的频率可根据实际使用情况确定,当重建质量报告中相机参数焦距f,及像主点cx,cy初始值和优化值出现显著差异,并且重建成果是满足工程精度需求的可以考虑使用最新的重建标定文件标定相机。, 首先确认图片回传数量与拍摄数量是否有较大差异,如果没有,可检查日志中是否出现”relocalization fail“信息,如果有,需适当增加航拍高度以提高重叠率。, 1. DJI is the world leader in aerial photography systems. 电脑上是否安装了其它软件(或病毒、木马、广告软件等)导致智图无法建立网络连接,重置Windows系统的网络可解决; 10.进入付费迭代期而未支付升级维护费,隔了几年后如想更新到最新的版本,是否需要补缴前几年的升级维护费?, 11.进入付费迭代期后未支付升级维护费,并下载了在此付费迭代期间发布的新版本,是否可以使用?, 13.如先购买了专业版,并支付了几年的升级维护费,后来购买专业版升级包升级至电力版,专业版许可证的可迭代有效期是否会同步更新至专业版许可证?, 15.同时拥有A和B两种不同类型的许可证,如专业版和电力版,且两种许可证的可迭代有效期相同。如电力版进入了付费迭代期但未支付升级维护费;此时专业也进入付费迭代期并已支付升级维护费,是否可以用电力的功能?, 5.航线任务编辑页面“高级设置”中的“任务相对高度”指的是什么?与“基础设置”中的“任务高度”有什么区别?, 7.为保证精度,精灵Phantom 4 RTK进行数据采集的过程中,有哪些注意事项?, 9.大疆智图与精灵 Phantom 4 RTK 连接时,软件界面显示 RTK 信号差无法起飞,应如何处理?, 8.在大疆智图中,二维建图得到的数字表面模型(DSM)的高程值与 RTK 实测高程为何相差很大?, 21.结合精灵 Phantom 4 RTK 采集的影像,在大疆智图中的二维建图和三维重建的精度怎么样?, 25.在重建时,如弹窗提示“由于找不到 OpenCL.dll,无法继续执行代码。重新安装程序可能会解决此问题”,应如何解决?, 26.为什么本地重建时电脑会发生卡顿现象?我能否同时在电脑上运行大疆智图与其他大型程序吗?, 13.除精灵 Phantom 4 系列无人机外,大疆智图是否支持对其他 DJI 无人机采集的影像进行像控点处理?. Laissez-nous vous aider. Prend en charge les drones de la gamme Phantom 4, cela inclut les modèles Phantom 4 RTK, Phantom 4 Pro V. 2.0, Phantom 4 Pro + V. 2.0, Phantom 4 Pro, Phantom 4 Advanced et Phantom 4. 飞行器进行数据采集时没有调转机头,空三质量报告中飞机内参cx或cy与图像长宽一半相差>5%;, 若采用非 RTK 定位的无人机机型采集影像,位置信息不准确,最终得到的 DSM 高程值与实测高程相差较大;若采用精灵 Phantom 4 RTK 采集影像,只采用下视影像进行二维建图,所生成的 DSM 精度较低,建议加入一些倾斜影像参与二维建图(例如在测区中间设置云台俯仰角为 -45° 的环绕拍摄采集影像)。, 目前没有区别。如果仅有下视影像推荐使用建图航拍任务,因为这样还可以建二维地图。包含倾斜摄影照片的推荐使用倾斜摄影任务。, 重建精度高、中、低分别对应使用全分辨率、一半分辨率、四分之一分辨率的照片进行建模,分辨率越高效果越好。高、中、低消耗时间大致比例是16:4:1。, 在采集照片时,部分地方没有被拍摄到或者被拍摄到的角度不好等因素都有可能导致对应部分的模型较差或出现空洞。透明或者反光的表面(水面、玻璃)、重复纹理区域(白墙、天空)重建效果会相对较差。, (1)需给五个相机分别定义相机型号参数,采集的照片以每个镜头为单位分别存放在五个文件夹内。, 飞行器进行数据采集时没有调转机头,空三质量报告中飞机内参cx或cy与图像长宽一半相差>5%。, 1. Welcome to DJI Support. “The vast majority of drone missions done for Shell are still done by third parties. Pro DJI Product #: CP.QT.00002254.01 Advanced DJI Product #: CP.RJ.00000009.01 DJI Terra is a 3D modelling and drone mapping software package. Learn about our consumer drones like DJI Air, Mini, Mavic, and Phantom. 检查已绑定的电脑是否有硬件改动,硬盘位置改动、更换CPU将导致之前绑定失效;. Terra is compatible with many DJI drones, including the following in the Phantom 4 series: Phantom 4, Phantom 4 Pro, Phantom 4 RTK, Phantom 4 Pro V2.0, Phantom 4 Pro + V2.0, and Phantom 4 Advanced. Check out our Phantom, Mavic, and Spark drones, Ronin and Osmo gimbals, and more! Autoliquidation TVA pour entreprises UE >. DJI Mavic 2 Pro is every aerial photographer's dream. We first covered DJI Terra back in November of 2017, but couldn’t quite make sense of what it would be. Significantly reduce costs by using affordable drone and software … We Take a loook at the new launched DJI Terra Software for commercial and industrial use. Surveying drones and software solutions combine multiple types of geographic information to create 2D orthomosaics and 3D models to help with classification and planning. DJI Terra Basic is available to order at the DJI online store. The DJI Phantom 4 RTK, Phantom 4 Pro V2.0, Phantom 4 Pro+ V2.0, Phantom 4 Pro, Phantom 4 Advanced and Phantom 4 are the only drones supported by the DJI Terra as of the moment. DJI drones can safely capture close-up photos of … Jan 01, 2021 Back to Case Studies & Uses 3D modelling and mapping software. Cartographie en temps réel : générez rapidement une orthomosaïque 2D de la zone sélectionnée en temps réel. In addition the DJI Phantom 4 does not support 2D Real-time Mapping. This all translates to better details, vivid colors, and more professional camera options. DJI introduces DJI Terra to capture, visualize and analyze drone data March 28, 2019 March 28, 2019 Press 1 DJI’s New Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced Offers Improved Thermal Vision And Accuracy For Critical Drone Operations This allows organisations to analyse the data much more easily and accurately. DJI Terra can also be used with the L1 and P1 sensors, which are compatible with the DJI M300 RTK. Supports Phantom 4 Series Drones, including Phantom 4 RTK, Phantom 4 Pro V2.0, Phantom 4 Pro + V2.0, Phantom 4 Pro, Phantom 4 Advanced, Phantom 4. Drone Mapping Software from DJI. Phantom 4 Advanced 6. DJI Terra. The team of experienced writers at CheckWithReviews worked hard on this article;About DJI Terra, have fun reading it! *La version basique contient des fonctionnalités conçues pour l'agriculture / la cartographie des vergers. DJI Terra Pro and both online and offline versions of DJI Terra Electricity are available to order through DJI dealers. DJI technology empowers us to see the future of possible. How Drones Help Manage Land-cover and Land-use Change. So far, DJI has not announced their plans … Reconstruction 2D : importez des images pour générer des orthomosaïques RVB en haute résolution ainsi que des cartes d'indice de végétation. Data Acquisition: Collect and centralise drone data. From product support to repair services, we are here for you. With DJI Terra, users can create area mapping and obtain data analysis for farms, orchards, and forests, prescribing solutions for variable rates of fertilizer spreading. Non-DJI cameras. Obtenez 1% de la valeur totale de votre achat en crédit DJI. DJI Terra. Right now, DJI dominates the hobbyist and pro aerial photography space, thanks to drones that range from the beginner-friendly DJI Mini 2 to the DJI Mavic 2 Pro. You can also get a license for DJI Terra Basic when purchasing MG-1S Advanced and MG-1P T series agricultural drones. Vous avez des questions? Mavic 2 Pro video format must be set in DJI GO ️. We are also hoping to see the Mavic 2 Proor other Mavic drones included in this list. Phantom 4 Pro 2. Capture, analyze and visualize your environment with DJI Terra – an easy to use mapping software developed to help industry professionals transform real-world scenarios into digital assets. Drones can be operated in complex terrains, with intelligent features that follow the terrain to ensure flight safety without compromising data accuracy. Photographiez, analysez et visualisez votre environnement avec DJI Terra, un logiciel de cartographie convivial pour PC conçu pour aider les professionnels à transformer des scénarios du monde réel en ressources numériques.*. For the Phantom 4 Multispectral, DJI Terra supports NDVI, GNDVI, NDRE, LCI, and OSAVI, but does not have a vegetation index calculator function. DJI Terra Make the World Your Digital Asset. At the DJI official website, learn about consumer products like Mavic drones and Osmo, DJI OM 4 handheld stabilizers & cameras, professional tools like Ronin and Inspire, enterprise platforms like Matrice 300 RTK, and agriculture solutions like Agras T20. Drones capture high-resolution images of complex structures for accurate 3D models, creating digital archives and streamlining maintenance. Create prescription maps for variable rate application using DJI’s Agras drones to improve crop yields while driving down costs. DroneDeploy is now able to control supported DJI drones without a DJI camera, but it won't be able to initiate image capture. Planification de missions à points de passage : créez des trajectoires de vol efficaces grâce à des actions de point de passage et au réglage de paramètres tels que l'altitude, la vitesse ainsi que l'angle d’inclinaison de la nacelle. DJI Terra is available for purchase through authorised DJI Enterprise re-sellers worldwide, including Heliguy, and is compatible with Windows PCs and all current DJI Phantom 4 Series drones. Inspire 1; Phantom 3 Line; Most drones are supported for video both at HD and 4K capture quality. Offering the best camera performance from a portable DJI drone, DJI Mavic 2 Pro offers you an industry-leading Hasselblad camera, 10-bit Dlog-M color profile, and adjustable aperture. Planification de vols : sélectionnez simplement une zone sur la carte pour créer des trajectoires de vol et automatiser des missions complexes. The company calls is software that “transforms drone … What’s new is the idea of Shell actually owning and operating the drones. Mapping and modelling with drones is effective in all kinds of industries, including public safety, construction, infrastructure and agriculture. DJI Terra will make handling drone data much easier, unlocking the potential of the data that drones are collecting.The photos captured from your DJI drone can now be transformed into digital 3D models or maps. The models created in DJI Terra can be … For details, visit the Heliguy website. Terra Excel Drones simplifies the selection, training, use, acquisition and processing of data to support enterprise projects. Capture, analyze and visualize your environment with DJI Terra – an easy to use mapping software developed to help industry professionals transform real-world scenarios into … Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 3. Incompatible Drones. Right now, the DJI Terra is only compatible with the following DJI drone models: 1. Handheld products like DJI OM 4 and DJI Pocket 2 capture smooth photo and video. Seamless Connection with Your Fleet of DJI Drones. The key features of DJI Terra are: Drone Mission Planning: Create efficient flight paths and automate complex missions. DJI Terra is available to purchase through™ - a trusted DJI partner providing drone supply and support to surveying companies around the world. DJI drone solutions for infrastructure construction, site and asset inspection in the electricity industry Electricity - Manage Power Grids and Plants with Drones - DJI Industries Terra is 3D modelling software from DJI that makes creating maps and models with your DJI drone a breeze. This all-in-one drone mapping solution allows pilots to automate complex missions and collect real-time insights, helping surveyors plan, visualise, process, and analyse drone mapping data. Buy DJI Terra, a high-end mapping software from Scorpion Drones that helps you in mission planning, data analysis, area mapping and more. Phantom 4 5. DJI Terra is an all-in-one drone mapping solution that contains all the resources that surveyors or project managers need to plan, visualize, process, and analyze aerial data. Our services include DJI Certified Repair Services, Airworthiness Inspections, Certification, Safe Recovery Systems and Canada RPAS Advanced Pilot training. DJI Terra Advance Mapping Software Make the World Your Digital Asset. 2.能否将大疆智图生成的模型导入其他软件,如 Maya、Blender、SketchUp、3ds Max等. DJI Terra also supports mission planning, significantly improving operational efficiency with its ability to generate automatic flight paths. Alongside Chief Drone Pilot John McClain, Serblowski has introduced new hardware and applications, allowing drones to support a combination of scheduled inspections and incident response. Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter et recevez un coupon de 5 %. Use DJI Terra to plan and execute flights for: Phantom 4 RTK (Remote Controller) Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 Phantom 4 Pro + V2.0 Phantom 4 Pro Phantom 4 Advanced and Phantom 4 Use DJI Terra to process data from: Phantom 4 Series drones Zenmuse P1 Zenmuse L1 Zenmuse X7 Both at HD and 4K capture quality DJI is the idea of Shell actually and. Dji Phantom 4 does not support 2D Real-time Mapping reading it create efficient flight paths and automate complex.... Here for you Pro video format must be set in DJI Terra be! To repair services, we are here for you and offline versions of DJI is! Pour créer des trajectoires de vol et automatiser des missions complexes Phantom 3 line ; drones... 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