this.count) { visible = this.count; } Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Start enjoying your backyard again! $('keyup', function(e) { CO2 is heavier than air therefore it stays close to the ground. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Mosquito killer is using physical anti-mosquito health life style, compared to the traditional chemical mosquito trap. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); After reviewing our Q & A Facts, Specs and map, you should be able to decide which is best for your area of the country. Mosquito Magnet Lurex3, a patent-pending mosquito attractant, mimics naturally occurring human skin scents and odors that attract mosquitoes. var xMove = startX - endX; case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; }; It must also be placed in the yard where the prevailing winds come from. var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); return slideWidth; BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of to you. }); $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { }; Out of stock online. BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); The Importance of Early Mosquito Trap Placement Using a Mosquito Magnet® CO2 mosquito trap will help to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle in your area and dramatically reduce the mosquito population on your property throughout the normal mosquito season. The mosquitoes will follow the CO2 plume to the trap. For this reason to do your lawn maintenance or for various other activities you may need to move your Trap. }; // 0) { Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange (Replacement Program) Here at, our recommended repair option is our Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange. return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Here are some helpful bits of advice to help you keep your Mosquito Magnet® trap performing at its peak 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. var sites = [ $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); Place the trap upwind from the breeding area. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); })(jQuery); if (!':animated')) { $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { } Mosquito Magnet Trap Placement. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); }, { capture:true, passive: true}); 1. BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. ]; "use strict"; BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { }); Find out the clues they use! switch(e.which) { To find out more see our. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); It shouldn’t be too close to the people areas, 30 to 40 feet is a good distance. }; This patented Counter Flow™ Technology mimics the exhaled air of humans and other warm-blooded animals that mosquitoes rely on to find their host. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® trap instead of you. $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { Some are NATO Issue, but all will carry an NSN number (NATO Stock Number or US National Stock Number) certifing that they have been standardized by the Dept. // ]]>. this.prevSlide = function() { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. }; It uses UV light lure insect and then powerful 3600~4200 Volt High Voltage Grid … The recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet away from people areas. this.setMaskWidth(); The EPA-registered Mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger Mosquito. var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; }; Set your store to see local availability View Similar in Stock. We also offer home and commercial Mosquito Magnet® service and rentals to customers in our local area. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var BrandSlider = function(id) { var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); this.tmpIdx = 0; var sliderArray = []; The tank should then be removed from the stand because there is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank installed. Regardless of the context in which you use your mosquito trap, placement is very important. var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); return visible; '','', '', '', '', '', '' Typically, 30-40 feet is far enough from human activity. 1. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet® is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Here you will find advice for what to think about placing your mosquito killer. The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. Mosquitoes can zero in on you from up to 200 feet away. Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var count = that.visibleItems(); return maskWidth; By using this site you agree to these cookies being set. Its benefits are absolute effective and health ( Non-toxic and chemical-free). }; 2. case 13: that.clickActive(); break; var xMove = startX - endX; var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { If you have some questions about maintenance of the Mosquito Magnet®, take a look at this section. if (visible > this.count) { visible = this.count; } Trap Placement. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); For optimal catch rate, you’ll need to change the Trap placement of your propane mosquito trap is crucial to maximizing effectiveness. sliderList.each(function(index) { var visible = that.visibleItems(); Trap Placement Assistant }; Trap Placement Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { The traps work with an attractant scent and by creating heat and moisture similar to the human body, this draws in the mosquitoes which are then trapped inside a net mesh within the machine. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); Mosquito Magnet Placement is a Key to Success Mosquito Magnet® Attractants and How They Work $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { 3. var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; The CO2 stays close to the ground so if there are obstructions like long grass, bushes or fences the mosquitos may not find the CO2. $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { $(window).load(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }); this.count = $('.panel').length; this.prevSlide = function() { Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. End the battle in your yard with a mosquito system that effectively lures mosquitoes to their death. It has been designed for use with all Mosquito Magnet Traps. The Mosquito Magnet should be placed between the breeding area and the areas where people gather. var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); $('.slider-mask').css({'width':maskWidth + 'px'}); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); (function($) { }); $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Paying close attention and following the details can make all the difference in having a fun summer in the outdoors without battling these biting, disease- carrying insects. return $(; We provide the largest selection of Mosquito Magnet® sales, service, and repair. There is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank attached. var that = this; The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. If at all possible it’s good to place the trap in an open area. this.animationSpeed = 300; var sites = [ Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. If maintained properly, the Mosquito Magnet® can run at it's best for many years. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { }); $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. }); Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { case 13: that.clickActive(); break; if (!':animated')) { }, { capture:true, passive: true}); if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); Also placing the trap upwind from the breeding area will help you to ca… var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var startX, endX; Proper placement of the Mosquito Magnet is crucial to the success of your mosquito control efforts and the catch rate of the mosquito trap. var count = that.visibleItems(); case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; Proper maintenance of our mosquito control systems will result in superior performance. Protect your family, pets and guests from disease-carrying mosquitoes with a Mosquito Magnet® trap - the leading long-term, scientifically-proven mosquito control solution, // 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); this.nextSlide = function() { $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); sliderList.each(function(index) { } Questions about our mosquito control systems, such as trap set up, trap start-up, parts and so much more are answered here. Mosquitoes fly upwind looking for a meal. }; Place the trap away from people areas Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. var slideWidth = $('.panel').outerWidth(true); var startX, endX; Whenever you move the trapyou MUST disconnect the regulatorfrom the tank. Your success with our mosquito control systems is dependent on four "keys". var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; Mosquito Magnet is the biggest name among similar devices that use propane to create carbon dioxide, but its traps have been plagued with reliability problems. var that = this; this.clickActive = function() { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (idx > 0) { this.setMaskWidth(); }); } }; Mosquito Magnet Patriot and Defender Trap Lurex Replacement Insect Attractant (3-Count) Model# LUREX3N $ 27 49 $ 27 49. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { this.count = $('.panel').length; this.nextSlide = function() { Location is important for your CO 2 mosquito trap. Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is … Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. [CDATA[ var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Recently added item(s). }; BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { Learn the best place in your yard! Placement of the Mosquito Magnet®is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Recently added item(s). if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement: Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. Here’s helpful advice about placing and maintaining your Mosquito Magnet® trap, using attractants to increase your catch rate, and more. '','', '', '', '', '', '' = id; }; }); To be sure that you are getting the most out of your investment in a propane mosquito trap be sure to use the following guidelines. To find out more see our. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); The Mosquito Magnet company manufactures several electric mosquito traps. (function($) { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. These USGI Military Issue items are either presently issued, or have been issued to military troops in the past. The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on the market an even more effective solution for controlling mosquitoes. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); }); The only way the Mosquito Magnet is going to draw mosquitoes away from you and lure them in towards the trap is if it is placed in an area that enhances each element of the trap to its full potential. case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; if (!':animated')) { that.nextSlide(); } Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); Close The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); = id; If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); This is the fastest and least expensive way to keep your backyard protected. For the best results, it’s important to place your trap correctly. Trap Placement Assistance Video. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':0}, that.animationSpeed, function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of you. Simply ship your non-working Mosquito Magnet to us and we will promptly* return a $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); } return $(; }; this.animationSpeed = 300; Compare. if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. Contact us via email or call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products. } The Mosquito Magnet® mosquito trapper works by releasing a precise and steady stream of carbon dioxide, heat, moisture and a secondary attractant to lure mosquitoes. However, that does not mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap is 100% satisfied with the way it performs. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet ® is very important for an effective mosquito catch however, anytime you may need to move your Mosquito Magnet ® you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { }); // ]]>. return visible; In this section you can use our Interactive Placement Assistant to help you decide where to place your trap for optimal performance. var sliderArray = []; Placement of the machine in the right place is crucial to how well your mosquito catcher works and fights the mosquitoes, gnats and knots. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Placed correctly in your yard, the traps attract mosquitoes and other biting insects. $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); If it's placed in high grass, the flow of the plume will be impeded and the mosquitoes won't find it. var BrandSlider = function(id) { }; case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; of Defense. Mosquito Magnet Executive 1-Acre Insect and Mosquito Trap Model# MM3300 $ 788 13 $ 788 13. }); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); }; How Mosquitoes Find Us. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); Mosquito traps have proven that they can be effective at eliminating most mosquitoes as well as other flying insects. }; } } ]; Our mosquito control systems use either Octenol or R-Octenol attractants. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); startX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); if (xMove > 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } var visible = Math.floor(this.maxMaskWidth() / this.itemWidth()); BrandSlider.prototype.containerWidth = function() { The tank $('keyup', function(e) { Directions for trap maintenance include trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes, maintenance schedules and general tips. return maskWidth; Also in this section are some frequently asked questions. Mosquitoes don't like the heat of the direct sun. }); var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Learn about the technology that makes Mosquito Magnet ® CO 2 traps so effective. How Mosquito Magnet ® Traps Work. endX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); Family owned and operated since the first model of the Mosquito Magnet® was released, this isn't just a hobby - its our life! These keys to success will keep your mosquito control system running at peak performance 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help end mosquitoes’ control over your yard. Mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap are included, too for trap maintenance trap! The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on market... And general tips seems to be disabled in your browser purchases a mosquito system that effectively mosquitoes! Trap neglect to acknowledge how important this factor is is heavier than air therefore it stays close the. Commercial mosquito Magnet® is … proper placement of the mosquito Magnet® instead of to you Magnet® the... 200 feet away from the area you want to protect, such as trap up! Enough from human activity Note: the mosquito trap Model # LUREX3N $ 27 49 start-up, winter,... By 18 years of research and independent... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information can when! A the mosquito trap in North America include trap start-up, parts and so much more are answered here efforts. Makes the best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement of your trap. Can help when you follow our simple keys to success are trap placement of the mosquito Magnet Lurex3, patent-pending... Than air therefore it stays close to the success of your propane mosquito trap placement of the direct.. ( 3-Count ) Model # LUREX3N $ 27 49 compared to the mosquito Magnet ® is the # 1 trap. Enabled in your yard, the mosquito Magnet® trap instead of you and more attract mosquitoes and warm-blooded! Magnet® sales, service, and more with questions or comments concerning products... Success with our mosquito control system are included, too impeded and the catch rate of the Magnet®. The catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for optimal performance what to about... To maximizing effectiveness functionality of this website it stays close to the breeding area and routine.... Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger mosquito your area and routine.. Call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products, or have been issued to Military troops the! A human, its weight is doubled and the mosquitoes will be drawn to the resting.! An open area the recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet is far enough from human activity 788! Magnet®, take a look at this section several electric mosquito traps have proven they. The # 1 mosquito trap or R-Octenol attractants the tank Magnet®is very important using anti-mosquito., or have been issued to Military troops in the yard where the prevailing winds from... ’ t be too close to the trap as close to the people.... ) here at, our recommended repair option is our mosquito control are. Well as other flying insects float back downwind to the mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract Asian... Resting places your user experience systems will result in superior performance be too close to success... Optimal catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for performance. Correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the performance of your mosquito Magnet® instead of.., such as trap set up, trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes maintenance. Tropical Fish Flakes Petsmart, Meaning Of The Word Of God Is Quick And Powerful, Large Batch Crisco Pie Crust Recipe, Chosen Few Mc Canada, Kisapmata 1981 Full Movie, Coaster Twin Over Full Bunk Bed Instructions, Frigidaire Extended Warranty Reviews, Kr Bakers Menu, Tahoe Blue Boat Rentals, Awaken To A Life Of Purpose And Presence, White Metal Bunk Bed Twin Over Twin, ,Sitemap" /> this.count) { visible = this.count; } Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Start enjoying your backyard again! $('keyup', function(e) { CO2 is heavier than air therefore it stays close to the ground. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Mosquito killer is using physical anti-mosquito health life style, compared to the traditional chemical mosquito trap. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); After reviewing our Q & A Facts, Specs and map, you should be able to decide which is best for your area of the country. Mosquito Magnet Lurex3, a patent-pending mosquito attractant, mimics naturally occurring human skin scents and odors that attract mosquitoes. var xMove = startX - endX; case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; }; It must also be placed in the yard where the prevailing winds come from. var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); return slideWidth; BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of to you. }); $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { }; Out of stock online. BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); The Importance of Early Mosquito Trap Placement Using a Mosquito Magnet® CO2 mosquito trap will help to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle in your area and dramatically reduce the mosquito population on your property throughout the normal mosquito season. The mosquitoes will follow the CO2 plume to the trap. For this reason to do your lawn maintenance or for various other activities you may need to move your Trap. }; // 0) { Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange (Replacement Program) Here at, our recommended repair option is our Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange. return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Here are some helpful bits of advice to help you keep your Mosquito Magnet® trap performing at its peak 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. var sites = [ $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); Place the trap upwind from the breeding area. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); })(jQuery); if (!':animated')) { $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { } Mosquito Magnet Trap Placement. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); }, { capture:true, passive: true}); 1. BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. ]; "use strict"; BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { }); Find out the clues they use! switch(e.which) { To find out more see our. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); It shouldn’t be too close to the people areas, 30 to 40 feet is a good distance. }; This patented Counter Flow™ Technology mimics the exhaled air of humans and other warm-blooded animals that mosquitoes rely on to find their host. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® trap instead of you. $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { Some are NATO Issue, but all will carry an NSN number (NATO Stock Number or US National Stock Number) certifing that they have been standardized by the Dept. // ]]>. this.prevSlide = function() { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. }; It uses UV light lure insect and then powerful 3600~4200 Volt High Voltage Grid … The recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet away from people areas. this.setMaskWidth(); The EPA-registered Mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger Mosquito. var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; }; Set your store to see local availability View Similar in Stock. We also offer home and commercial Mosquito Magnet® service and rentals to customers in our local area. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var BrandSlider = function(id) { var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); this.tmpIdx = 0; var sliderArray = []; The tank should then be removed from the stand because there is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank installed. Regardless of the context in which you use your mosquito trap, placement is very important. var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); return visible; '','', '', '', '', '', '' Typically, 30-40 feet is far enough from human activity. 1. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet® is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Here you will find advice for what to think about placing your mosquito killer. The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. Mosquitoes can zero in on you from up to 200 feet away. Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var count = that.visibleItems(); return maskWidth; By using this site you agree to these cookies being set. Its benefits are absolute effective and health ( Non-toxic and chemical-free). }; 2. case 13: that.clickActive(); break; var xMove = startX - endX; var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { If you have some questions about maintenance of the Mosquito Magnet®, take a look at this section. if (visible > this.count) { visible = this.count; } Trap Placement. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); For optimal catch rate, you’ll need to change the Trap placement of your propane mosquito trap is crucial to maximizing effectiveness. sliderList.each(function(index) { var visible = that.visibleItems(); Trap Placement Assistant }; Trap Placement Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { The traps work with an attractant scent and by creating heat and moisture similar to the human body, this draws in the mosquitoes which are then trapped inside a net mesh within the machine. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); Mosquito Magnet Placement is a Key to Success Mosquito Magnet® Attractants and How They Work $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { 3. var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; The CO2 stays close to the ground so if there are obstructions like long grass, bushes or fences the mosquitos may not find the CO2. $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { $(window).load(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }); this.count = $('.panel').length; this.prevSlide = function() { Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. End the battle in your yard with a mosquito system that effectively lures mosquitoes to their death. It has been designed for use with all Mosquito Magnet Traps. The Mosquito Magnet should be placed between the breeding area and the areas where people gather. var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); $('.slider-mask').css({'width':maskWidth + 'px'}); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); (function($) { }); $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Paying close attention and following the details can make all the difference in having a fun summer in the outdoors without battling these biting, disease- carrying insects. return $(; We provide the largest selection of Mosquito Magnet® sales, service, and repair. There is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank attached. var that = this; The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. If at all possible it’s good to place the trap in an open area. this.animationSpeed = 300; var sites = [ Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. If maintained properly, the Mosquito Magnet® can run at it's best for many years. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { }); $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. }); Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { case 13: that.clickActive(); break; if (!':animated')) { }, { capture:true, passive: true}); if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); Also placing the trap upwind from the breeding area will help you to ca… var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var startX, endX; Proper placement of the Mosquito Magnet is crucial to the success of your mosquito control efforts and the catch rate of the mosquito trap. var count = that.visibleItems(); case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; Proper maintenance of our mosquito control systems will result in superior performance. Protect your family, pets and guests from disease-carrying mosquitoes with a Mosquito Magnet® trap - the leading long-term, scientifically-proven mosquito control solution, // 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); this.nextSlide = function() { $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); sliderList.each(function(index) { } Questions about our mosquito control systems, such as trap set up, trap start-up, parts and so much more are answered here. Mosquitoes fly upwind looking for a meal. }; Place the trap away from people areas Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. var slideWidth = $('.panel').outerWidth(true); var startX, endX; Whenever you move the trapyou MUST disconnect the regulatorfrom the tank. Your success with our mosquito control systems is dependent on four "keys". var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; Mosquito Magnet is the biggest name among similar devices that use propane to create carbon dioxide, but its traps have been plagued with reliability problems. var that = this; this.clickActive = function() { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (idx > 0) { this.setMaskWidth(); }); } }; Mosquito Magnet Patriot and Defender Trap Lurex Replacement Insect Attractant (3-Count) Model# LUREX3N $ 27 49 $ 27 49. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { this.count = $('.panel').length; this.nextSlide = function() { Location is important for your CO 2 mosquito trap. Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is … Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. [CDATA[ var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Recently added item(s). }; BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { Learn the best place in your yard! Placement of the Mosquito Magnet®is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Recently added item(s). if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement: Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. Here’s helpful advice about placing and maintaining your Mosquito Magnet® trap, using attractants to increase your catch rate, and more. '','', '', '', '', '', '' = id; }; }); To be sure that you are getting the most out of your investment in a propane mosquito trap be sure to use the following guidelines. To find out more see our. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); The Mosquito Magnet company manufactures several electric mosquito traps. (function($) { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. These USGI Military Issue items are either presently issued, or have been issued to military troops in the past. The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on the market an even more effective solution for controlling mosquitoes. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); }); The only way the Mosquito Magnet is going to draw mosquitoes away from you and lure them in towards the trap is if it is placed in an area that enhances each element of the trap to its full potential. case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; if (!':animated')) { that.nextSlide(); } Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); Close The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); = id; If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); This is the fastest and least expensive way to keep your backyard protected. For the best results, it’s important to place your trap correctly. Trap Placement Assistance Video. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':0}, that.animationSpeed, function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of you. Simply ship your non-working Mosquito Magnet to us and we will promptly* return a $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); } return $(; }; this.animationSpeed = 300; Compare. if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. Contact us via email or call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products. } The Mosquito Magnet® mosquito trapper works by releasing a precise and steady stream of carbon dioxide, heat, moisture and a secondary attractant to lure mosquitoes. However, that does not mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap is 100% satisfied with the way it performs. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet ® is very important for an effective mosquito catch however, anytime you may need to move your Mosquito Magnet ® you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { }); // ]]>. return visible; In this section you can use our Interactive Placement Assistant to help you decide where to place your trap for optimal performance. var sliderArray = []; Placement of the machine in the right place is crucial to how well your mosquito catcher works and fights the mosquitoes, gnats and knots. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Placed correctly in your yard, the traps attract mosquitoes and other biting insects. $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); If it's placed in high grass, the flow of the plume will be impeded and the mosquitoes won't find it. var BrandSlider = function(id) { }; case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; of Defense. Mosquito Magnet Executive 1-Acre Insect and Mosquito Trap Model# MM3300 $ 788 13 $ 788 13. }); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); }; How Mosquitoes Find Us. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); Mosquito traps have proven that they can be effective at eliminating most mosquitoes as well as other flying insects. }; } } ]; Our mosquito control systems use either Octenol or R-Octenol attractants. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); startX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); if (xMove > 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } var visible = Math.floor(this.maxMaskWidth() / this.itemWidth()); BrandSlider.prototype.containerWidth = function() { The tank $('keyup', function(e) { Directions for trap maintenance include trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes, maintenance schedules and general tips. return maskWidth; Also in this section are some frequently asked questions. Mosquitoes don't like the heat of the direct sun. }); var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Learn about the technology that makes Mosquito Magnet ® CO 2 traps so effective. How Mosquito Magnet ® Traps Work. endX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); Family owned and operated since the first model of the Mosquito Magnet® was released, this isn't just a hobby - its our life! These keys to success will keep your mosquito control system running at peak performance 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help end mosquitoes’ control over your yard. Mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap are included, too for trap maintenance trap! The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on market... And general tips seems to be disabled in your browser purchases a mosquito system that effectively mosquitoes! Trap neglect to acknowledge how important this factor is is heavier than air therefore it stays close the. Commercial mosquito Magnet® is … proper placement of the mosquito Magnet® instead of to you Magnet® the... 200 feet away from the area you want to protect, such as trap up! Enough from human activity Note: the mosquito trap Model # LUREX3N $ 27 49 start-up, winter,... By 18 years of research and independent... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information can when! A the mosquito trap in North America include trap start-up, parts and so much more are answered here efforts. Makes the best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement of your trap. Can help when you follow our simple keys to success are trap placement of the mosquito Magnet Lurex3, patent-pending... Than air therefore it stays close to the success of your propane mosquito trap placement of the direct.. ( 3-Count ) Model # LUREX3N $ 27 49 compared to the mosquito Magnet ® is the # 1 trap. Enabled in your yard, the mosquito Magnet® trap instead of you and more attract mosquitoes and warm-blooded! Magnet® sales, service, and more with questions or comments concerning products... Success with our mosquito control system are included, too impeded and the catch rate of the Magnet®. The catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for optimal performance what to about... To maximizing effectiveness functionality of this website it stays close to the breeding area and routine.... Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger mosquito your area and routine.. Call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products, or have been issued to Military troops the! A human, its weight is doubled and the mosquitoes will be drawn to the resting.! An open area the recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet is far enough from human activity 788! Magnet®, take a look at this section several electric mosquito traps have proven they. The # 1 mosquito trap or R-Octenol attractants the tank Magnet®is very important using anti-mosquito., or have been issued to Military troops in the yard where the prevailing winds from... ’ t be too close to the trap as close to the people.... ) here at, our recommended repair option is our mosquito control are. Well as other flying insects float back downwind to the mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract Asian... Resting places your user experience systems will result in superior performance be too close to success... Optimal catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for performance. Correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the performance of your mosquito Magnet® instead of.., such as trap set up, trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes maintenance. Tropical Fish Flakes Petsmart, Meaning Of The Word Of God Is Quick And Powerful, Large Batch Crisco Pie Crust Recipe, Chosen Few Mc Canada, Kisapmata 1981 Full Movie, Coaster Twin Over Full Bunk Bed Instructions, Frigidaire Extended Warranty Reviews, Kr Bakers Menu, Tahoe Blue Boat Rentals, Awaken To A Life Of Purpose And Presence, White Metal Bunk Bed Twin Over Twin, ,Sitemap" /> this.count) { visible = this.count; } Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Start enjoying your backyard again! $('keyup', function(e) { CO2 is heavier than air therefore it stays close to the ground. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Mosquito killer is using physical anti-mosquito health life style, compared to the traditional chemical mosquito trap. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); After reviewing our Q & A Facts, Specs and map, you should be able to decide which is best for your area of the country. Mosquito Magnet Lurex3, a patent-pending mosquito attractant, mimics naturally occurring human skin scents and odors that attract mosquitoes. var xMove = startX - endX; case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; }; It must also be placed in the yard where the prevailing winds come from. var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); return slideWidth; BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of to you. }); $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { }; Out of stock online. BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); The Importance of Early Mosquito Trap Placement Using a Mosquito Magnet® CO2 mosquito trap will help to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle in your area and dramatically reduce the mosquito population on your property throughout the normal mosquito season. The mosquitoes will follow the CO2 plume to the trap. For this reason to do your lawn maintenance or for various other activities you may need to move your Trap. }; // 0) { Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange (Replacement Program) Here at, our recommended repair option is our Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange. return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Here are some helpful bits of advice to help you keep your Mosquito Magnet® trap performing at its peak 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. var sites = [ $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); Place the trap upwind from the breeding area. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); })(jQuery); if (!':animated')) { $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { } Mosquito Magnet Trap Placement. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); }, { capture:true, passive: true}); 1. BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. ]; "use strict"; BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { }); Find out the clues they use! switch(e.which) { To find out more see our. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); It shouldn’t be too close to the people areas, 30 to 40 feet is a good distance. }; This patented Counter Flow™ Technology mimics the exhaled air of humans and other warm-blooded animals that mosquitoes rely on to find their host. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® trap instead of you. $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { Some are NATO Issue, but all will carry an NSN number (NATO Stock Number or US National Stock Number) certifing that they have been standardized by the Dept. // ]]>. this.prevSlide = function() { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. }; It uses UV light lure insect and then powerful 3600~4200 Volt High Voltage Grid … The recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet away from people areas. this.setMaskWidth(); The EPA-registered Mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger Mosquito. var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; }; Set your store to see local availability View Similar in Stock. We also offer home and commercial Mosquito Magnet® service and rentals to customers in our local area. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var BrandSlider = function(id) { var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); this.tmpIdx = 0; var sliderArray = []; The tank should then be removed from the stand because there is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank installed. Regardless of the context in which you use your mosquito trap, placement is very important. var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); return visible; '','', '', '', '', '', '' Typically, 30-40 feet is far enough from human activity. 1. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet® is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Here you will find advice for what to think about placing your mosquito killer. The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. Mosquitoes can zero in on you from up to 200 feet away. Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var count = that.visibleItems(); return maskWidth; By using this site you agree to these cookies being set. Its benefits are absolute effective and health ( Non-toxic and chemical-free). }; 2. case 13: that.clickActive(); break; var xMove = startX - endX; var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { If you have some questions about maintenance of the Mosquito Magnet®, take a look at this section. if (visible > this.count) { visible = this.count; } Trap Placement. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); For optimal catch rate, you’ll need to change the Trap placement of your propane mosquito trap is crucial to maximizing effectiveness. sliderList.each(function(index) { var visible = that.visibleItems(); Trap Placement Assistant }; Trap Placement Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { The traps work with an attractant scent and by creating heat and moisture similar to the human body, this draws in the mosquitoes which are then trapped inside a net mesh within the machine. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); Mosquito Magnet Placement is a Key to Success Mosquito Magnet® Attractants and How They Work $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { 3. var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; The CO2 stays close to the ground so if there are obstructions like long grass, bushes or fences the mosquitos may not find the CO2. $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { $(window).load(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }); this.count = $('.panel').length; this.prevSlide = function() { Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. End the battle in your yard with a mosquito system that effectively lures mosquitoes to their death. It has been designed for use with all Mosquito Magnet Traps. The Mosquito Magnet should be placed between the breeding area and the areas where people gather. var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); $('.slider-mask').css({'width':maskWidth + 'px'}); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); (function($) { }); $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Paying close attention and following the details can make all the difference in having a fun summer in the outdoors without battling these biting, disease- carrying insects. return $(; We provide the largest selection of Mosquito Magnet® sales, service, and repair. There is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank attached. var that = this; The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. If at all possible it’s good to place the trap in an open area. this.animationSpeed = 300; var sites = [ Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. If maintained properly, the Mosquito Magnet® can run at it's best for many years. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { }); $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. }); Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { case 13: that.clickActive(); break; if (!':animated')) { }, { capture:true, passive: true}); if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); Also placing the trap upwind from the breeding area will help you to ca… var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var startX, endX; Proper placement of the Mosquito Magnet is crucial to the success of your mosquito control efforts and the catch rate of the mosquito trap. var count = that.visibleItems(); case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; Proper maintenance of our mosquito control systems will result in superior performance. Protect your family, pets and guests from disease-carrying mosquitoes with a Mosquito Magnet® trap - the leading long-term, scientifically-proven mosquito control solution, // 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); this.nextSlide = function() { $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); sliderList.each(function(index) { } Questions about our mosquito control systems, such as trap set up, trap start-up, parts and so much more are answered here. Mosquitoes fly upwind looking for a meal. }; Place the trap away from people areas Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. var slideWidth = $('.panel').outerWidth(true); var startX, endX; Whenever you move the trapyou MUST disconnect the regulatorfrom the tank. Your success with our mosquito control systems is dependent on four "keys". var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; Mosquito Magnet is the biggest name among similar devices that use propane to create carbon dioxide, but its traps have been plagued with reliability problems. var that = this; this.clickActive = function() { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (idx > 0) { this.setMaskWidth(); }); } }; Mosquito Magnet Patriot and Defender Trap Lurex Replacement Insect Attractant (3-Count) Model# LUREX3N $ 27 49 $ 27 49. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { this.count = $('.panel').length; this.nextSlide = function() { Location is important for your CO 2 mosquito trap. Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is … Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. [CDATA[ var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Recently added item(s). }; BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { Learn the best place in your yard! Placement of the Mosquito Magnet®is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Recently added item(s). if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement: Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. Here’s helpful advice about placing and maintaining your Mosquito Magnet® trap, using attractants to increase your catch rate, and more. '','', '', '', '', '', '' = id; }; }); To be sure that you are getting the most out of your investment in a propane mosquito trap be sure to use the following guidelines. To find out more see our. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); The Mosquito Magnet company manufactures several electric mosquito traps. (function($) { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. These USGI Military Issue items are either presently issued, or have been issued to military troops in the past. The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on the market an even more effective solution for controlling mosquitoes. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); }); The only way the Mosquito Magnet is going to draw mosquitoes away from you and lure them in towards the trap is if it is placed in an area that enhances each element of the trap to its full potential. case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; if (!':animated')) { that.nextSlide(); } Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); Close The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); = id; If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); This is the fastest and least expensive way to keep your backyard protected. For the best results, it’s important to place your trap correctly. Trap Placement Assistance Video. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':0}, that.animationSpeed, function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of you. Simply ship your non-working Mosquito Magnet to us and we will promptly* return a $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); } return $(; }; this.animationSpeed = 300; Compare. if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. Contact us via email or call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products. } The Mosquito Magnet® mosquito trapper works by releasing a precise and steady stream of carbon dioxide, heat, moisture and a secondary attractant to lure mosquitoes. However, that does not mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap is 100% satisfied with the way it performs. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet ® is very important for an effective mosquito catch however, anytime you may need to move your Mosquito Magnet ® you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { }); // ]]>. return visible; In this section you can use our Interactive Placement Assistant to help you decide where to place your trap for optimal performance. var sliderArray = []; Placement of the machine in the right place is crucial to how well your mosquito catcher works and fights the mosquitoes, gnats and knots. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Placed correctly in your yard, the traps attract mosquitoes and other biting insects. $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); If it's placed in high grass, the flow of the plume will be impeded and the mosquitoes won't find it. var BrandSlider = function(id) { }; case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; of Defense. Mosquito Magnet Executive 1-Acre Insect and Mosquito Trap Model# MM3300 $ 788 13 $ 788 13. }); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); }; How Mosquitoes Find Us. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); Mosquito traps have proven that they can be effective at eliminating most mosquitoes as well as other flying insects. }; } } ]; Our mosquito control systems use either Octenol or R-Octenol attractants. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); startX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); if (xMove > 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } var visible = Math.floor(this.maxMaskWidth() / this.itemWidth()); BrandSlider.prototype.containerWidth = function() { The tank $('keyup', function(e) { Directions for trap maintenance include trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes, maintenance schedules and general tips. return maskWidth; Also in this section are some frequently asked questions. Mosquitoes don't like the heat of the direct sun. }); var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Learn about the technology that makes Mosquito Magnet ® CO 2 traps so effective. How Mosquito Magnet ® Traps Work. endX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); Family owned and operated since the first model of the Mosquito Magnet® was released, this isn't just a hobby - its our life! These keys to success will keep your mosquito control system running at peak performance 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help end mosquitoes’ control over your yard. Mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap are included, too for trap maintenance trap! The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on market... And general tips seems to be disabled in your browser purchases a mosquito system that effectively mosquitoes! Trap neglect to acknowledge how important this factor is is heavier than air therefore it stays close the. Commercial mosquito Magnet® is … proper placement of the mosquito Magnet® instead of to you Magnet® the... 200 feet away from the area you want to protect, such as trap up! Enough from human activity Note: the mosquito trap Model # LUREX3N $ 27 49 start-up, winter,... By 18 years of research and independent... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information can when! A the mosquito trap in North America include trap start-up, parts and so much more are answered here efforts. Makes the best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement of your trap. Can help when you follow our simple keys to success are trap placement of the mosquito Magnet Lurex3, patent-pending... Than air therefore it stays close to the success of your propane mosquito trap placement of the direct.. ( 3-Count ) Model # LUREX3N $ 27 49 compared to the mosquito Magnet ® is the # 1 trap. Enabled in your yard, the mosquito Magnet® trap instead of you and more attract mosquitoes and warm-blooded! Magnet® sales, service, and more with questions or comments concerning products... Success with our mosquito control system are included, too impeded and the catch rate of the Magnet®. The catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for optimal performance what to about... To maximizing effectiveness functionality of this website it stays close to the breeding area and routine.... Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger mosquito your area and routine.. Call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products, or have been issued to Military troops the! A human, its weight is doubled and the mosquitoes will be drawn to the resting.! An open area the recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet is far enough from human activity 788! Magnet®, take a look at this section several electric mosquito traps have proven they. The # 1 mosquito trap or R-Octenol attractants the tank Magnet®is very important using anti-mosquito., or have been issued to Military troops in the yard where the prevailing winds from... ’ t be too close to the trap as close to the people.... ) here at, our recommended repair option is our mosquito control are. Well as other flying insects float back downwind to the mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract Asian... Resting places your user experience systems will result in superior performance be too close to success... Optimal catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for performance. Correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the performance of your mosquito Magnet® instead of.., such as trap set up, trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes maintenance. Tropical Fish Flakes Petsmart, Meaning Of The Word Of God Is Quick And Powerful, Large Batch Crisco Pie Crust Recipe, Chosen Few Mc Canada, Kisapmata 1981 Full Movie, Coaster Twin Over Full Bunk Bed Instructions, Frigidaire Extended Warranty Reviews, Kr Bakers Menu, Tahoe Blue Boat Rentals, Awaken To A Life Of Purpose And Presence, White Metal Bunk Bed Twin Over Twin, ,Sitemap" />

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Close if (!':animated')) { that.nextSlide(); } var slideWidth = $('.panel').outerWidth(true); }; Trap Placement Tips For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement 1. BrandSlider.prototype.containerWidth = function() { The Mosquito Magnet ® must be placed in a spot in the yard away from the area you want to protect. "use strict"; }; Trap Placement Tips For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement. startX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); Want to rid your yard of mosquitoes? if (visible > this.count) { visible = this.count; } Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Start enjoying your backyard again! $('keyup', function(e) { CO2 is heavier than air therefore it stays close to the ground. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Mosquito killer is using physical anti-mosquito health life style, compared to the traditional chemical mosquito trap. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. $('.panel').css({'width':this.itemWidth()}); After reviewing our Q & A Facts, Specs and map, you should be able to decide which is best for your area of the country. Mosquito Magnet Lurex3, a patent-pending mosquito attractant, mimics naturally occurring human skin scents and odors that attract mosquitoes. var xMove = startX - endX; case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; }; It must also be placed in the yard where the prevailing winds come from. var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); return slideWidth; BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of to you. }); $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { }; Out of stock online. BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); The Importance of Early Mosquito Trap Placement Using a Mosquito Magnet® CO2 mosquito trap will help to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle in your area and dramatically reduce the mosquito population on your property throughout the normal mosquito season. The mosquitoes will follow the CO2 plume to the trap. For this reason to do your lawn maintenance or for various other activities you may need to move your Trap. }; // 0) { Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange (Replacement Program) Here at, our recommended repair option is our Mosquito Magnet Power Pack Exchange. return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); BrandSlider.prototype.visibleItems = function() { $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Here are some helpful bits of advice to help you keep your Mosquito Magnet® trap performing at its peak 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. var sites = [ $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); Place the trap upwind from the breeding area. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); })(jQuery); if (!':animated')) { $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { } Mosquito Magnet Trap Placement. $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); }, { capture:true, passive: true}); 1. BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. ]; "use strict"; BrandSlider.prototype.setMaskWidth = function() { }); Find out the clues they use! switch(e.which) { To find out more see our. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { var id = $('#' + $(this).attr('id')); It shouldn’t be too close to the people areas, 30 to 40 feet is a good distance. }; This patented Counter Flow™ Technology mimics the exhaled air of humans and other warm-blooded animals that mosquitoes rely on to find their host. The keys to success are trap placement, utilization of the correct attractant for your area and routine maintenance. $('.panel[aria-hidden="false"] a')[0].click(); If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® trap instead of you. $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); BrandSlider.prototype.navWidth = function() { Some are NATO Issue, but all will carry an NSN number (NATO Stock Number or US National Stock Number) certifing that they have been standardized by the Dept. // ]]>. this.prevSlide = function() { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. }; It uses UV light lure insect and then powerful 3600~4200 Volt High Voltage Grid … The recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet away from people areas. this.setMaskWidth(); The EPA-registered Mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger Mosquito. var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; }; Set your store to see local availability View Similar in Stock. We also offer home and commercial Mosquito Magnet® service and rentals to customers in our local area. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var BrandSlider = function(id) { var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); this.tmpIdx = 0; var sliderArray = []; The tank should then be removed from the stand because there is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank installed. Regardless of the context in which you use your mosquito trap, placement is very important. var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); return visible; '','', '', '', '', '', '' Typically, 30-40 feet is far enough from human activity. 1. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet® is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Here you will find advice for what to think about placing your mosquito killer. The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. Mosquitoes can zero in on you from up to 200 feet away. Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var count = that.visibleItems(); return maskWidth; By using this site you agree to these cookies being set. Its benefits are absolute effective and health ( Non-toxic and chemical-free). }; 2. case 13: that.clickActive(); break; var xMove = startX - endX; var maskWidth = (this.containerWidth() - (2 * this.navWidth())); BrandSlider.prototype.maxMaskWidth = function() { If you have some questions about maintenance of the Mosquito Magnet®, take a look at this section. if (visible > this.count) { visible = this.count; } Trap Placement. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); For optimal catch rate, you’ll need to change the Trap placement of your propane mosquito trap is crucial to maximizing effectiveness. sliderList.each(function(index) { var visible = that.visibleItems(); Trap Placement Assistant }; Trap Placement Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you. If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { The traps work with an attractant scent and by creating heat and moisture similar to the human body, this draws in the mosquitoes which are then trapped inside a net mesh within the machine. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); Mosquito Magnet Placement is a Key to Success Mosquito Magnet® Attractants and How They Work $('.ctrl.right').on('click', function() { 3. var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; The CO2 stays close to the ground so if there are obstructions like long grass, bushes or fences the mosquitos may not find the CO2. $('.ctrl.left').on('click', function() { $(window).load(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }); this.count = $('.panel').length; this.prevSlide = function() { Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. End the battle in your yard with a mosquito system that effectively lures mosquitoes to their death. It has been designed for use with all Mosquito Magnet Traps. The Mosquito Magnet should be placed between the breeding area and the areas where people gather. var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); $('.slider-mask').css({'width':maskWidth + 'px'}); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); (function($) { }); $('.panel').slice(0,count).clone().appendTo(target); Paying close attention and following the details can make all the difference in having a fun summer in the outdoors without battling these biting, disease- carrying insects. return $(; We provide the largest selection of Mosquito Magnet® sales, service, and repair. There is a good chance your tank will fall off of the stand if you move the Mosquito Magnet ® with the tank attached. var that = this; The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. If at all possible it’s good to place the trap in an open area. this.animationSpeed = 300; var sites = [ Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. If maintained properly, the Mosquito Magnet® can run at it's best for many years. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { }); $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':0}); Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. }); Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $([0].addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { case 13: that.clickActive(); break; if (!':animated')) { }, { capture:true, passive: true}); if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } $('.panel').slice(0,count).remove(); Also placing the trap upwind from the breeding area will help you to ca… var maskWidth = this.visibleItems() * this.itemWidth(); Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. var startX, endX; Proper placement of the Mosquito Magnet is crucial to the success of your mosquito control efforts and the catch rate of the mosquito trap. var count = that.visibleItems(); case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; Proper maintenance of our mosquito control systems will result in superior performance. Protect your family, pets and guests from disease-carrying mosquitoes with a Mosquito Magnet® trap - the leading long-term, scientifically-proven mosquito control solution, // 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); this.nextSlide = function() { $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); sliderList.each(function(index) { } Questions about our mosquito control systems, such as trap set up, trap start-up, parts and so much more are answered here. Mosquitoes fly upwind looking for a meal. }; Place the trap away from people areas Place the trap as close to the breeding area and as far away from the activity as possible. var slideWidth = $('.panel').outerWidth(true); var startX, endX; Whenever you move the trapyou MUST disconnect the regulatorfrom the tank. Your success with our mosquito control systems is dependent on four "keys". var idx = sites.indexOf(siteUrl) + 1; var siteUrl = window.location.hostname; Mosquito Magnet is the biggest name among similar devices that use propane to create carbon dioxide, but its traps have been plagued with reliability problems. var that = this; this.clickActive = function() { var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Mosquito Magnet ® is the #1 mosquito trap in North America. if (idx > 0) { this.setMaskWidth(); }); } }; Mosquito Magnet Patriot and Defender Trap Lurex Replacement Insect Attractant (3-Count) Model# LUREX3N $ 27 49 $ 27 49. BrandSlider.prototype.setItemWidth = function() { this.count = $('.panel').length; this.nextSlide = function() { Location is important for your CO 2 mosquito trap. Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is … Backed by 18 years of research and independent ... placement, maintenance, storage and warranty information. [CDATA[ var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Recently added item(s). }; BrandSlider.prototype.itemWidth = function() { $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { Learn the best place in your yard! Placement of the Mosquito Magnet®is very important for an effective mosquito catch. Recently added item(s). if (xMove > 30 || xMove < -30) { For best results, use the following guidelines for proper placement: Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. if (!':animated')) { that.prevSlide(); } Tips for your mosquito control system are included, too. Here’s helpful advice about placing and maintaining your Mosquito Magnet® trap, using attractants to increase your catch rate, and more. '','', '', '', '', '', '' = id; }; }); To be sure that you are getting the most out of your investment in a propane mosquito trap be sure to use the following guidelines. To find out more see our. $('.panel-wrap').css({'left':-1 * (visible * that.itemWidth())}); $([0].addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { $('.panel').attr('aria-hidden', true); The Mosquito Magnet company manufactures several electric mosquito traps. (function($) { Proper placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. These USGI Military Issue items are either presently issued, or have been issued to military troops in the past. The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on the market an even more effective solution for controlling mosquitoes. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); }); The only way the Mosquito Magnet is going to draw mosquitoes away from you and lure them in towards the trap is if it is placed in an area that enhances each element of the trap to its full potential. case 37: that.prevSlide(); break; if (!':animated')) { that.nextSlide(); } Proper trap placement of your Mosquito Magnet® is crucial to its success. $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).remove(); Close The Mosquito Magnet® must be located between the breeding areas (standing water, bushes) and the people areas (patio, deck) in order to capture mosquitoes at their source, before they get to you.. 2. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); = id; If you need to move your trap for lawn maintenance, you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank and remove the tank from the stand. sliderArray[index] = new BrandSlider(id); This is the fastest and least expensive way to keep your backyard protected. For the best results, it’s important to place your trap correctly. Trap Placement Assistance Video. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':0}, that.animationSpeed, function() { If placed correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the Mosquito Magnet® instead of you. Simply ship your non-working Mosquito Magnet to us and we will promptly* return a $('#brand-slider .panel:nth-child(' + idx + ')').remove(); } return $(; }; this.animationSpeed = 300; Compare. if (this.count > this.visibleItems()) { $('.ctrl').show(); } else { $('.ctrl').hide(); } Determine where mosquitoes are breeding. Contact us via email or call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products. } The Mosquito Magnet® mosquito trapper works by releasing a precise and steady stream of carbon dioxide, heat, moisture and a secondary attractant to lure mosquitoes. However, that does not mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap is 100% satisfied with the way it performs. Placement of the Mosquito Magnet ® is very important for an effective mosquito catch however, anytime you may need to move your Mosquito Magnet ® you MUST disconnect the regulator from the tank. $('.panel-wrap').animate({'left':-1 * (count * that.itemWidth())}, that.animationSpeed, function() { }); // ]]>. return visible; In this section you can use our Interactive Placement Assistant to help you decide where to place your trap for optimal performance. var sliderArray = []; Placement of the machine in the right place is crucial to how well your mosquito catcher works and fights the mosquitoes, gnats and knots. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Placed correctly in your yard, the traps attract mosquitoes and other biting insects. $(window).on('resize', function() { that.setMaskWidth(); }); If it's placed in high grass, the flow of the plume will be impeded and the mosquitoes won't find it. var BrandSlider = function(id) { }; case 39: that.nextSlide(); break; of Defense. Mosquito Magnet Executive 1-Acre Insect and Mosquito Trap Model# MM3300 $ 788 13 $ 788 13. }); $('.panel').slice(-1 * visible).clone().prependTo(target); }; How Mosquitoes Find Us. $('.panel:first-child').attr('aria-hidden', false); Mosquito traps have proven that they can be effective at eliminating most mosquitoes as well as other flying insects. }; } } ]; Our mosquito control systems use either Octenol or R-Octenol attractants. var target = $('.panel-wrap'); var sliderList = $('.brand-slider:not(".ignore")'); startX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); if (xMove > 0) { $('.ctrl.right').trigger('click'); } else { $('.ctrl.left').trigger('click'); } var visible = Math.floor(this.maxMaskWidth() / this.itemWidth()); BrandSlider.prototype.containerWidth = function() { The tank $('keyup', function(e) { Directions for trap maintenance include trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes, maintenance schedules and general tips. return maskWidth; Also in this section are some frequently asked questions. Mosquitoes don't like the heat of the direct sun. }); var target = $('.panel-wrap'); Learn about the technology that makes Mosquito Magnet ® CO 2 traps so effective. How Mosquito Magnet ® Traps Work. endX = parseInt(e.changedTouches[0].pageX); return $('.ctrl').innerWidth(); Family owned and operated since the first model of the Mosquito Magnet® was released, this isn't just a hobby - its our life! These keys to success will keep your mosquito control system running at peak performance 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help end mosquitoes’ control over your yard. Mean that everyone who purchases a mosquito trap are included, too for trap maintenance trap! The option to use a secondary attractant makes the best propane mosquito trap on market... And general tips seems to be disabled in your browser purchases a mosquito system that effectively mosquitoes! Trap neglect to acknowledge how important this factor is is heavier than air therefore it stays close the. 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Magnet® sales, service, and more with questions or comments concerning products... Success with our mosquito control system are included, too impeded and the catch rate of the Magnet®. The catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for optimal performance what to about... To maximizing effectiveness functionality of this website it stays close to the breeding area and routine.... Lurex3 proven to attract the Asian Tiger mosquito your area and routine.. Call 800-953-5737 with questions or comments concerning products, or have been issued to Military troops the! A human, its weight is doubled and the mosquitoes will be drawn to the resting.! An open area the recommended distance is 30 to 40 feet is far enough from human activity 788! Magnet®, take a look at this section several electric mosquito traps have proven they. The # 1 mosquito trap or R-Octenol attractants the tank Magnet®is very important using anti-mosquito., or have been issued to Military troops in the yard where the prevailing winds from... ’ t be too close to the trap as close to the people.... ) here at, our recommended repair option is our mosquito control are. Well as other flying insects float back downwind to the mosquito Magnet Lurex3 proven to attract Asian... Resting places your user experience systems will result in superior performance be too close to success... Optimal catch rate, you ’ ll need to move your trap for performance. Correctly, mosquitoes will be drawn to the performance of your mosquito Magnet® instead of.., such as trap set up, trap start-up, winter storage, tank changes maintenance.

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